
AIP1: Closing of Season 01





Approving the distribution of the season contributor allocation of 6M $ALXIA and extension of the season for 1 month to allow for elections and new member selection for Season 02. Sponsors: Zeugh, Chris.


In order to close the season we need to allocate the contributor budget for the season, a total of 6M $ALXIA. The distribution is proposed to reward engaged members of this first season in the following way: 1.5M to member who brought content through talks or research, 1.5M to the committee members, 1M divided between all members, 1.5M divided between active members - those who engaged discussions on Discord or calls - and 500k to members who did some work for the DAO.

Background & Motivation

To keep the DAO moving forward, as per the charter, we need to end the season proper and kick-off the next one and onboard new members. This proposal, formulated by Chris and Zeugh, focus on rewarding the members who are here since the beginning by distributing token to all current members of the DAO, but giving bigger rewards to members who were actively engaging or building things that help Alxndria move forward.

The proposed distribution per category of incentive is as follows:

All Members1MEqually divided
Active Members1.5MEqually divided
Committees1.5MEqually divided
Speakers1.5MEqually divided
DAO Work500kEqually divided

The inclusion of each member p/category is as follows: image.png

Goals / Non-goals

Are goals of this proposal:

  • Distribute voting power accordingly to time and effort dedicated to the DAO, by sharing of knowledge, building of resources or connections created.
  • Make a clear incentive for those who build or take roles in the committees to incentivize all members who want more $ALXIA in the future to put in their effort for those roles and tasks.
  • Create a model of compensation that can be used as a basis for the following seasons, but is open for adaptation by future proposals.

Are NOT included in the goals of this proposal:

  • Create a standard form of compensation that should be strictly followed every following season

Proposed Solution

  • Request to Origami the issuance of remaining $ALXIA tokens to the DAO multisig.
  • Create the transactions for the distributions listed above.

Plan & Timeline

  • Discussion time: 29 NOV to 22 DEC
  • Voting time: 22 DEC to 29 DEC
  • Execution time: Until January 15th

Dependencies (Optional)

  • Treasury committee availability to execute until second week of January
  • Origami team to issue the remaining tokens to the multisig.

Risks? (Optional)

  • We don't get to run it in time because of the holidays.

Appendix (Optional)

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