
AIP3: Opening of Season 2





Opening the new season with definitions of New Members, Allocations and membership sales Sponsors: Zeugh, Chris.


This proposal unites the elements of different things needed to start the Season 2 of AlxndriaDAO. It defines the process for inviting new members, it defines the budget allocation for the season and approves the methodology for membership sales for funds interested in having access to AlxndriaDAO as members. Those points are all put here together to make the voting process easier, as they were mostly discussed in the open during our calls and I assume there's enough alignment in the DAO around those to allow us to do so.

Background & Motivation

After a slow but fundamental season 1, the DAO is ready to move towards a bigger number of members, with a clearer view of goals and what direction our operations should take. For a Season 2 of research, content creation and fucking great alpha, we need to

  • open the gate to the new brains we've met along the way and can add to the mission of Alxndria
  • make sure we're able to reward the people doing good work for our DAO, as well as grant voting power to new members
  • start creating a model where our collective intelligence generates revenue to further its vision sustainably



  • establish the base rules for new member invites
  • approve a budget for season 2
  • approve a test model for membership sales
  • set up the structure to start season 2


  • define the exact destination of the season 2 budget
  • define exactly who are the new members
  • define fixed rules for the sales of membership

Proposed Solution

Season 2 Budget

The proposed budget for Season 2 is of 8M $ALXIA, increasing the circulating supply from the current 6M to 14M.

This budget is to be managed by the treasury committee, and be used in the following allocation:

  • 2M $ALXIA to new members Starter Pack, evenly distributed but capped at 40000 $ALXIA to each new member. Any remainder should be added to the allocation for contributor rewards.
  • 6M $ALXIA to contributor rewards, to be distributed by future proposals or management of the treasury and programs committees to reward committee members and other members who support the DAO on achieving its goals, as well as actions of growth and project development.

PS: There are still unresolved vestings of tokens to Frens Capital for 20M over 48 months and Origami for 5M over 24 months, that should increase the circulating supply once they are made up to date, given they should be vesting over time since the start of Season 1. This should also be solved by the treasury committee to bring all token holders to hold their balances and have the voting power they're entitled to.

New Member invites

New member invitations have the goal of bringing new specialist from different areas into the DAO, as well as people that have interacted with the DAO and provided mutual benefit in one way or another to the organization. This proposal aims to establish the process to be done in two simultaneous ways:

  1. All Season 1 members get one invite for Season 2.
  2. People can apply over a Seasonal "Application Form" and be sponsored or vetoed by other members from there.

The list of applications for this Season is being managed by Chris/vortex0 and all member who wish to invite more of their contacts to next season should reach to him ASAP.

New members will get a Starter Pack of up to 40k $ALXIA, based on a 2M budget to be split between all new joining members.

New member invitations are not dependent on this proposal approval, the setup of a process to guide us and the definition of the allocation is.

Membership sales

To allow for external groups that have intention of joining AlxndriaDAO on the perspective of accessing the research and alpha discussions happening inside, the DAO discussed the opening of a first experiment with membership sales to funds that are interested in our mission and long term view. Alxndria is still taking its first steps, so those are experimental options for early partners who aim to harvest with us in the future. The proposed structure is:

  • 5 spots for sale
  • The spot is valid for the duration of Season 2
  • It is awarded by a different NFT membership, created with Unlock Protocol
  • This membership comes with the allocation of 25k $ALXIA, allowing the member to vote in the DAO
  • The holders of this membership get priority over new spots for Season 3
  • Those memberships grant access to all spaces of the DAO, including new summaries of discussions and research over the whole season.

Those membership sales will be managed by Chris/vortex and should be presented to the DAO for discussion before closing the deals.

Plan & Timeline

  • Jan 5th to Jan 19th: Proposal Discussion
  • Jan 19th to Jan 26th: Voting
  • Jan 19th to Feb 9th: New member invitations and joining
  • Jan 26th through out the Season: Membership sales New members token allocation to be executed by the new treasury committee once elections are complete.*
  • Feb 9th: marks the beginning of the new season, and with that the new committees election.

Dependencies (Optional)

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