
AIPnull: Hire Zeugh's service as Community Management for AlxndriaDAO





This proposals aims to establish and fill a role of community manager to support the activities of AlxndriaDAO through its Season 2, paying Zeugh $12000 ($2000/month) + 500k $ALXIA for 6 months of dedication to the role.


Why a Community Manager?
  • AlxndriaDAO is full of potential, coming from its members knowledge and the vast amount of areas of expertise covered.
  • This superpower is also a great barrier: we're all busy people, with our own business and activities taking most of our time.
  • This makes the organic information and action flows of the DAO not enough to keep engagement and results to its best.

In the recent member calls it was suggested by multiple members that having someone taking an active role of keeping the gears well oiled could be a solution to take us from "great potential" to actually gathering and structuring the "Alpha from field experts" in a way that can be valuable to our fund and others that might have interest in joining through our new paid membership option.

Why Zeugh?
  • Knowing Alxndria: I've been with Alxndria from the pre-launch charter drafting while working for Origami
  • Experience with the role: I've been a community manager for other DAOs before, mainly JuiceboxDAO, from the first weeks after deploy till past the first $100M in volume
  • Perspective on the DAO: I've shared multiple times ways to move the DAO forward, but we never have time or structure to make it possible
  • Availability: As of the end of January I'm taking on new projects as my previous BD role commitment becomes more sparse. It'd be a pleasure to make Alxndria the main focus at this new phase.
Why hire someone who is already a member?

Unfortunately, I'm not standing in a position to offer a big share of my time for free and in recent discussions with Chris we've evaluated that this is a task that needs proper attention if we want to make it really worth it. My initial offer for the role was of $6000/month, but considering the current early stage of the DAO treasury, $4000/month + 0.5% of token supply seems like a more viable alternative.

I believe Alxndria has the talent and the timing to make good waves in the new cycle, but it needs order, efficiency and vibes to make those waves match its potential.


Payments on-chain:

One time transfer of 500000 $ALXIA from the multisig to zeugh.eth A monthly transfer of $2000 of [STABLE] to zeugh.eth OR A one time transfer of $12000 of [STABLE] to zeugh.eth

The first 100 days:
  • Creating info-materials for the DAO on: DAO Overview + Invitation Kit + Season 1 Overview
  • Reach out to all members, making use of those materials to start invites for Season 2
  • Support the Season 2 opening with token allocation, committee elections and call execution.
  • Reach out to all invited people to onboard them and connect to their first member call.
  • Walk members through the NFT membership process
  • Upgrade our discord structure into a better fit substrate for discussions and ideas to grow
  • Organize and host the member calls, allowing us to focus more on the Alpha discussions and content creation from it then the technical aspect we've been spending so much time on.
3 fronts of action:
  1. Operations and Tooling
    1. Organize community
      • Discord + Information (Notion, Mirror, Website)
    2. Maintain governance and on-chain tools
      • Write and support other members writing proposals for the DAO
      • Maintain the essential proposals, templates and process flowing.
      • Keep everyone updated on progress, results and rewards
    3. Lead calls
      • Host the calls and set the agendas open before time to ensure progress and efficiency
      • Organize and manage actionable items or conclusions
      • Keep call summaries open to the DAO
      • Content creation about Alpha from our calls
    4. Help with material to share with potential members + speakers
    5. Help Chris with Business Development
  2. Vibes and Alpha
    1. Activate members
      • Bringing new topics and content to discord
      • Keep everyone up to date with latests calls and next ones
      • Reach out to independent members to profile their "DAO intentions"
        • Interests
        • Expertises
        • Availability
    2. Manage internal projects of the DAO
      • Execute & Support execution for internal DAO projects
  3. Digital Presence
    1. Farcaster
      1. Create and grow a Farcaster account based on content from calls and discussions
    2. Twitter
      1. Repost and link to Farcaster
      2. Host Spaces to interview members specialized on trending fields.



  • We might be wrong about our potential and fail even though we are better organized
  • The $ALXIA token might become very valuable and this turn into an overpayment instead of a small one
  • Zeugh's role might become useless if no other members are interested in moving the DAO forward


  • Discussion and Editing: 15 Jan - 22 Jan
  • Voting: 22 Jan - 29 Jan
  • Role execution: Whole period of Season 2
  • Payments:
    • $2000 [Stable]
      • January 31st
      • February 29th
      • March 31st
      • April 30th
      • May 31st
      • August 30th
    • 250k $ALXIA
      • January 31st
      • August 30th