
DIP-12: Nance Grant for DAOSquare Integration




5,000 TOKEN


Proposed Transactions



Send Nance Gnosis chain safe (0x7dF33A8D69BB3ea34C5745df227Cb4052F98598D) a $5,000 (wxDAI) grant for integrating the Nance governance automation into the DAOSquare governance process. In exchange, DAOSquare will receive (future) $NANCE tokens.


Governance processes are essential to a properly operating DAO. Over the past 2 months typto.eth has been working closely with the Nance team to integrate Nance's governance automations into DAOSquare. The adoption of Nance into DAOSquare has been a very symbiotic relationship: typto has helped find and debug parts of the Nance platform and Nance's governance automation has improved the proposal flow process. Now that proposals are automatically uploaded to Snapshot upon passing Temperature Check, DAOSquare members no longer have to do that themselves, thus their time is freed up to work on higher level tasks.

With the integration of Nance, DAOSquare has adopted:

  1. Governance Cycles - a 14 day period that the DAO has to Temperature Check, Vote and Execute upon proposals; this is adjustable but currently set as:
    • Temperature Check - 3 days
    • Voting - 4 days
    • Execution - 4 days
    • Delay Period - 3 days
  2. Proposal Dashboard - each Nance space gets a proposal dashboard ( providing all DAO members with up-to-date information about where each proposal is in the governance process
  3. proposal submission gating - the Nance team integrated into the Nance platform to token gate proposal submission to the Passport and Cafeteria roles as listed on
  4. Discord Integration - when a proposal is published, the Nance Discord bot creates a thread and Emoji based poll in the DAOSquare Discord server; this allows members of the DAO to voice their opinion on a proposal before it is sent to token weighted voting
  5. Snapshot Integration - a proposal that has received 7 :thumbsup: will be published to Snapshot by the Nance proposal wallet (gnance.eth) and utilize the Snapshot strategies configured at

Integrating these features into DAOSquare required development time from the Nance team. To help cover the cost of the development team, Nance is requesting a retroactive $5,000 grant in wxDAI.


Send $5,000 wxDAI to the Nance Gnosis chain safe (0x7dF33A8D69BB3ea34C5745df227Cb4052F98598D)

In exchange for this grant, DAOSquare will receive $NANCE tokens through our future revnet project. For those unfamiliar with revnets, please see this vending machine metaphor here. DAOSqaure will be included in the premint of $NANCE and thus have ownership of Nance in proportion to the grant. The final amount of $NANCE/ETH (or DAI) has not yet been determined but will be similar to this two stage model described here. This will allow for DAOSquare to be a grantee of the Nance platform and thus have ownership in it. With ownership in the platform through the grant, DAOSquare will have interest in continuing to use the platform and also promote it to other DAOs within the DAOSquare ecosystem.


The Nance team has developed new features for DAOSquare and would like to continue the development of the platform. This grant will help cover costs and expand Nance to other DAOs in the DAOSquare ecosystem





