
DIP-8: DAOSquare Grants Strategy Modification





The main purpose of this proposal is to change the scope of grants and governance strategy of DAOSquare Grants.


Advancing the prosperity of the DAOSquare community is our next important goal. And the purpose of this proposal is to help achieve that goal. DAOSquare Grants originated from the donations received by DAOSquare during the 2021 Gitcoin Grants event. When we decided to launch DAOSquare Grants, some DAOSquare community members also contributed some funds. Initially, for security, the funds were managed through DAOhaus with only myself as a DAO member having control over the funds. Funding decisions were made through Discord voting by Cafeteria, and I executed the decisions on DAOhaus. At that time, the purpose of DAOSquare Grants was to support early-stage projects in the Ethereum ecosystem. Based on this principle, it has supported three projects so far: Ethermore (10K), Blacksky (10K), and GMbus (10K). Today, the DAOSquare community has made significant progress in governance mechanisms, experience, and the stability of governors (Cafeteria). At the same time, we need to focus our support on the DAOSquare community and the builders and their great innovations. Therefore, it is time to adjust the scope of DAOSquare Grants and governance strategies to better serve the development of the DAOSquare community.


This proposal involves two major changes: Funding Scope: The funding scope will be adjusted from supporting early-stage projects in the Ethereum ecosystem to supporting projects within the DAOSquare community. Governance Strategy: The governance process will be incorporated into the new DAOSquare governance system. The details are as follows:

  • Vault: Transfer the funds (24512.2231 WXDAI) originally held on DAOhaus ( to the new community rewards vault address (Safe: My address will only be used as the sole signer to handle any potential attacks. The actual controller of the vault is the Snapshot voting system controlled by Cafeteria, and the voting result will trigger the transfer on Safe.
  • Governance: Operate and manage DAOSquare Grants through the new DAOSquare governance mechanism. This means that the allocation of grants for DAOSquare Grants will be triggered directly based on the proposal results, without the need for manual transfers. Specific details of the governance process will be released after the proposal is approved. In summary:
    • Any member of the DAOSquare community can apply for Grants.
    • DAOSquare Passport or Cafeteria members can submit Proposals with fund transfer transactions.
    • Cafeteria members can vote on Proposals.
    • The voting result will trigger fund transfer by Safe.


The new funding scope will provide more support to the DAOSquare community, which will contribute to the development of the DAOSquare community. The new governance strategy is more decentralized and automated.


Possible potential attacks may occur, but the risks are manageable.


Vault Migration: After this proposal is approved, I will initiate a proposal on DAOhaus to transfer all funds (24512.2231 WXDAI) to the new Safe address Governance Strategy: After this proposal is approved, the new governance strategy will actives immediately.

