A current member on the multi-sig can propose to expand its ownership to more, reputable people.
In writing, provide answers to the following questions:
Author: jango.eth
Proposal Date:
What is this candidate's current experience with the Juicebox protocol?
Exekias has been helping out with dev ops since the spring of 2021, months prior to the protocol being deployed. He’s since remained an important voice in the discord critiquing ideas and proposing strategies to keep our code organized and effective. He’s also set up and run a JB project, WikiToken. He’s intimately familiar with how the protocol works on the surface and under the hood.
If this candidate were to disregard the community's consesus, what would they have to loose?
Not too much apart from the relationships they’ve formed and the solid history of work they’ve put together.
Community supporters:
Once you feel good enough about your answers, create a version of this template here, and post a link to your proposal in the JuiceboxDAO discord in the #proposals channel.
The decision to add to the multi-sig will be made through a Snapshot vote between members on the multi-sig.
Note: Although the proposal is only voted on by multi-sig members, the proposal can be terminated if it does not gather the required approval during the Temperate Check portion of the proposal process.