
JBP-133: Bookkeeping changes for translation management in Dework.






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Title: Bookkeeping changes for translation management in Dework.
Author: gulan
Date: 03/24/2022


In order to facilitate JBP-117 ‘Take translations tasks management and payments management from notion and to dework’, the bookkeeping team requires changes and clarification to the process outlined in JBP65 ‘Translation Payment specific proposals’ and JBP 113 ‘Redefinition of values and metrics for translation team’.


In practice, JP65 requires Zotico to act as a middle man for payments to translators for their work. On a funding cycle basis, this amount varies considerably and also requires Zotico to pre-pay transaction fee’s to be reimbursed at a later time.

Further, Zotico has manages this system in google sheets, and requires him to be singularly diligent and accurate in reports. He has done a fantastic job at this. JBP-117 amends this process by utilizing Dework to manage the translation pipeline and allows for immediate payment for work to translators.

Dework allows for bounties to be set for individual pre-defined projects. It also allows for a gnosis-safe multi-sig wallet to be integrated in the app. In practice, this means that payment for translations can be initiated in Dework and confirmed in gnosis safe. This system is more efficient, responsive, and less prone to single point failure.


Translators do a fantastic and important role in the Juicebox space. The system they use must be able to adequately meet this responsibility as their role and the community continues to expand.


The actors on the multi-sig wallet misuse the funds.

The funds are not enough to cover the cost of translation for a given cycle.

The ‘back-up’ members of the multisig may have minimal regular interaction and may make mistakes if they are not up to date with the current policies (e.g. bounty per word).

Their is a ‘reviewer’ function in Dework that theoretically should act as a the gateway for submitting payments. However it is not clear to me at the time of this writing that the reviewer role cannot be bypassed.


juicebox will rescind provisions of JBP65 ‘Translation Payment specific proposals’, specifically the methods of payout and reimbursement assigned to Zeugh and Zotico - the bounties for translations will remain the same at “10 cents a word for translator and 5 cents a word for the reviewer”. Further, Juicebox will fund a gnosis-safe wallet ‘juiceboxtrans’ on a JuiceboxDao funding cycle basis in a similar amount to the previous disbursements. For funding-cycle 19, this amount will be $7,000 in eth.

The gnosis-safe juiceboxtrans ‘owners’ will be: zotico: eth:0x6212ce06Dcac01706e6Be5310C3228ede1A02ADf zeugh: eth:0xf7253A0E87E39d2cD6365919D4a3D56D431D0041 jango: eth:0x823b92d6a4b2AED4b15675c7917c9f922ea8ADAD filipv: eth:0x30670D81E487c80b9EDc54370e6EaF943B6EAB39 gulan: eth:0xF8284136B169213E4c50cE09f3E1D9A9b484BAea

The address of the account to be funded should this proposal pass is: eth:0x835F397D5cD21eBAe820FDC3fc6eAC98520534ee

Before the first payments can be used by the juiceboxtrans, Zotico must provide a written explanation in juicebox > bookingkeeping in discord on how payments for translators and reviewers will be separated and processed in accordance to JBP65; the majority members of the ‘juiceboxtrans’ must agree to Zotico’s explanation and will announce that agreement in the same channel.


The members of the juiceboxtrans were chosen due to their previous responsibilities in the JBP65, knowledge of juicebox governance, and frequency of availability. The threshold for approving transactions will be 2 members, with the other three acting primarily as backups in case unavailability.


It is not clear that Dework can handle the distinction between assignee’s and reviewers for payments in accordance to JBP65. In JBP65, translators and reviewers receive different amounts. In Dework, it appears that only the assignee receives the payout. I believe 2 separate task-boards will be needed for translators and reviewers. I have added a stipulate at the end of the specification section for clarity from Zotico on this issue. Hopefully this can be resolved before temp check and stricken from the final proposal.

Payment history:

FC#13 2388.7 FC#16 3359.77 FC#17 1616.58 FC#18 6051.89

JBP 113 ‘Redefinition of values and metrics for translation team’ authorizes


At the start of funding cycle 19, however can be extended due to the specification not being met.

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