
JBP-134: add gulan to recurring payment






How to fill out this template.

Title: Add gulan to recuring 
Author: gulan
Date: 03/25/22



Proposal date:



I have been fulfilling tasks for the DAO for the last 4 months in bookkeeping related tasks and would like to be brought formally on board through recurring payments.


In my previous trial proposal I was a bit ambitious in thinking that I could singularly develop SOP’s for web3 payments to all of the different vendors that juicebox has. I found that their is a significant legal hurdle to pass that I did not fully grasps at the time of that proposal. Similarly, I foresee similar ongoing risks as I become for aligned with the needs of the DAO and that will dramatically impact my ability to contribute in the simplification and automation of bookkeeping tasks.

Payout recipient:


Payout amount:

$2000 per funding cycle

How have you contributed to the DAO?

I have been managing the bookkeeping functions for the DAO over the past 4 months:

  • Interpret financial governance proposal’s of the Juicebox community
  • Maintain financial records, including one time payments, recurring payments, and jbx reserve list allocations
  • Create a configuration file for each funding cycle for the multisig to approve that contains payroll, vendor reimbursements, and tx fee reimbursements

How do you want to contribute to the DAO going forward**?**

  • Continue facilitating bookkeeping functions for the dao.
  • Project manage Governance Automation with Zeugh and CanuDao
  • Provide a no-bs lens to the use of Juicebox funds
  • Work through the backlog of payments that Juicebox and it’s members have made to vendors and give an accurate accounting of what the current costs are to the DAO
  • Create a dashboard that better articulates the spending of the treasury in terms of financial health and run way projections

What does success look like for someone taking on your role?

  • Continued transparency in the bookkeeping documents and process
  • Providing feedback to proposals that impact bookkeeping and create new proposals where necessary or efficient
  • Acceleration of the adoption of governance-automation tools/process
  • Working with other groups/DAO’s in there bookkeeping needs so that Juicebox as a protocol can continue to provide needed services

Under what criteria should the community reassess this payout?

  • Accurate funding cycle configurations
  • Transparency into the use of juicebox funds
  • Am I providing feedback to proposals to the DAO that may conflict financially with the status quo, and in those cases of conflict providing the best means to reach the objectives of those authors


Note: recurring payout recipients are required to participate in votes for future payout allocations. For payouts to non-EOAs, attach an address that will manage voting on the non-EOA address's behalf.

