How to fill out this template.
Title: Recurring Payment Proposal for Viraz
Author: Viraz
Date: 01/04/2022
Proposal for Recurring Payment for Viraz
I have had my pr for custom errors merged successfully and have a pr for jbx banny contracts which was merged too.
Any general risks that are there with recurring payments
pay Viraz $3000 per funding cycle for work on juicebox v2 and banny staking
Payout recipient:
Payout amount:
$3000 per funding cycle
How have you contributed to the DAO?
I have been contributing to juicebox since around December last year I started with custom error pr for v2 repo( , which was successfully merged in, and recently I have been working on jbx banny repo the contracts and tests in forge the pr was merged in ( and I want to continue contributing to juice box and learning at the same time.
How do you want to contribute to the DAO going forward**?**
- Want to contribute with my smart contract skills and try to create an impact
- Participate in any discussions for the DAO whether new proposals or any tech discussions.
What does success look like for someone taking on your role?
- Merging in PR’s for smart contract repositories
- My written code going to production and passing audits.
Under what criteria should the community reassess this payout?
- If my performance is not up to the mark, especially since smart contracts are the most critical piece in the web3 ecosystem.