
JBP-142: Increase Jango’s payout






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Title: Increase Jango’s recurring payout
Author: Mieos/ Tankbottoms
Date: 2022-04-07


Increase to Jango’s recurring payout to $21,000 from $15,000


Jango’s contribution in both facilitating many aspects of JB from onboarding new treasuries to developing v2 contracts, JB should compensate him at least at market rate. This proposal attempts to bring him slightly under market for someone of his capability.


Competent, articulate, creative smart contract developers are like albino unicorns. JB must 1) continue to motivate top developer talent to attract the same, 2) compensate developers to demand their undivided attention, 3) send the message that working for JB can and is competitive to meat-space activities.


Jango will rest on his laurels while milking the JB treasury.


Multisig members update recurring funding distributions to $21,000


Direct quote from Tankbottoms:

Having personally reviewed hundreds of blockchain developer resumes and participated in as many interviews, I have an idea of the marketplace of both talent and compensation. I am also responsible for hiring at two well funded (100m+ value) entities the same and the floor for a competent resource with the above talent is $400k and the ceiling is $1m, admittedly there is no category for Jango, but ensuring he is compensated in meat-space to continue to focus his attention is reasonable.

Without specifically doing an accounting on Jango’s wallet, I’m pretty sure he has funded / distributed more ETH than he is currently compensated during the last 5 FC, which would mean he is not even breaking even in FC to his various project contributions. Ergo, a future FC proposal warrants giving him an additional ETH budget to sprinkle into the ecosystem.


There is no replacement for having a Jango involved in nearly every channel and contributing to so many aspects of the value production machine that is Juicebox. Underpaying Jango is like taking paint away from Bob Ross. Give the man all the tools to make the world a more beautiful place. One of those tools is definitely ETH.


Next funding cycle

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