
JBP-145: Recurring Payout for Tankbottoms.eth






How to fill out this template.

Title:Recurring Payout for Tankbottoms.eth for $16,000 per FC
Author: Mieos.eth
Date: 4/7/22


Add Tankbottoms to JBX recurring payouts of $16,000 per funding cycle for ongoing contributions**.**


Tankbottoms is a Web3 wizard, contract creator, JS magician and much more. Juicebox DAO is setting up to have a ton of new necessary and delightful features like, NFT MKT, JB Voting token launch, Efforts to bridge to L2’s etc etc. JB DAO needs all the talent it can attract. Besides that Tank is full of unknown amounts of goodie creation. Lets capture this brilliant sprite.


Show Web3 that anyone who put in a metric shit tons of time, eth, and love for weeks without compensation that JBDAO wants your talents and your magic. Competent, creative smart contract developers are beyond hard to find. It is in Juicebox DAO’s interest to retain and incentivize such humans to come and play in the JB sandbox.


Tankbottoms could find some other sparkling Web3 object and Juicebox could loose his obsessive squirreling predilection which continues to exhume untold value for JB and the ecosystem. Tank has plenty of projects to attend to so there is a risk JBDAO could over pay for his attention.


Multisig executes on a change to the JuiceboxDAO’s payout by adding Tankbottoms.eth for $16,000


Juicebox DAO is incentivized to capture and retain any incredible talent for as long as the DAO is producing new exciting products. We also want to signal to Web3 that JBDAO pays full salary to those that come build, edit, craft, and dance on that beautiful code that drives magic internet beans into the JB treasury. Tankbottoms is also incredibly generous and adds tons of value to the broader JB and Web3 ecosystem. TLDR CLICK ON THIS LINK 👉 🤯


execute immediately upon gaining sufficient snapshot votes.

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

