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Title: Cover the costs for Public Relations in Conferences
Author: Zeugh
Date: May 3rd 2022
Going to irl Ethereum, NFT and Crypto events can be a very good way to reach new project builders and partners for juicebox. There has been an ongoing conversation about it in discord and we came up with 2 initial events for us to test how we can do it.
I have been to EthRio previously this year and was able to put together a lot of contacts trough networking and learn a lot of things going on in the space that I did not know
Covering the costs of some contributors to attend those conferences can have a big impact in our reach, both as image and marketing as well as new projects using the protocol.
We can do this trough actions that we’ve been discussing like giving custom JB juice-boxes in those events, dropping bananas with our logo trough the event, organizing side parties to increase our visibility, giving workshops on project creation and much more that is still open for discussion
- Cover the costs for @Anonymous @johnnyD and Zeugh to attend NFT Berlin - Berlin, Germany) and Blocksplit - (in Split, Croatia).
Those costs include transportation, hotel and tickets.
- Cover the costs for marketing initiatives, like sticker production, juice-box distribution and gear necessary for our impact to work well
Spreading juicebox protocol visibility and utility to new ecosystem of users, focusing on builders. Learn the best practices to start a public relations cohort and support juicebox growth Reward JBX holders by providing some interesting
We might spend money and don’t get much of a result
Pre-approve a refund for those 3 members based on proof of what they spend for: marketing, hotel, transportation and tickets. Capped at ??????
There is a lot to learn on how marketing and public relations work on this events, I believe there’s a big potential both in the front of helping new projects onboard our platform as well as for getting juicebox more visibility by making good work of those events trough talking to people and showing our protocol.
- 23-25 Blocksplit
- 25-27 NFT berlin
- Early June - Reports on how the events went and bookkeping work to show costs and get the refunds done
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