Title: To renew but reduce Zom_Bae's recurring payout
Author: Zombae
Date: 2022-05-19
How to fill out this template.
Renew Zombae’s recurring payout, but reduce it from $3k/ fc to $2k/ fc
Roles ebb and flow, mine is currently ebbing but good things are coming. I’m asking to have my payout reduced while I pivot certain aspects of my responsibilities to community alignment and project creation. We can become amphibious and I plan to put our sea legs to test by helping bridge us to land.
Juicebox DAO is what I like to call “a living entity”. It grows, matures, evolves over time and what was true of some aspects of the dao months ago, is most likely not the same today. Same goes for roles. While I do believe my unique set of skills are still very relevant and needed when it comes to human connection, I believe the aspect of my previous role, specific to task management, is no longer a necessity of the dao. As “teams” meld around specific events or even sub doa’s their own ways of holding each other accountable form.
Although task mgmt has dwindled, other ways I’ve grown have been in the realms of human resources, interpersonal relationships, and most recently- event planning. Along with kenbot, we pulled together (should the proposal pass) one of the most unique events JB DOA will have hosted/ sponsored to date, and it’s only the beginning!
I believe we have a unique opportunity to bring Juicebox to the people. We should explore further collaborations with other restaurants, apparel brands, etc looking to enter the web3 world as well as launch other builders projects via hosting “hack and chats”. What if we onboard ideas in a space that is itself an irl business that wants to be onboarded. There are a growing number of irl businesses that want to use web3 to explore new customer relations concepts and what better way than to do so using Juicebox protocol?
I still plan to assist in onboarding new members and people introducing and vetting new tooling, helping answer/ direct people to the right places when other mods are AFK. However, until the spinning up of consistent events and workshops happens, I think my payout should be reduced.
To take effect in FC 24 and has a sunset clause of six funding cycles.
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