Author: wijuwiju
I have already started contributing to Juicebox by completing minor tasks on the interface to get a better understanding of how the protocol works. I have also been working on Dune dashboard and expect to help with subgraph and Juicebox V2 development 🧃🚀 .
Proposal date:
Provide a comprehensive, 1-2 sentence summary of your proposal.
I would like to formalize my contributions, so I propose a payment of $1,000 per Funding Cycle to work on updating the website interface as well as contribute to the development of Juicebox V2. This sum is derived from my previous full-time compensation of 7000 USDC per month + options. Initially, I will be committing around 25% of my time to the protocol, but as my knowledge and expertise grow, I will increase my contributions according to the DAO's needs.
What gaps do you see in the DAO's process, and how might you help to fill them?
I can do many things, and have nice understanding of space, so very exited to help take this protocol to the 🚀 . I have started building the dune dashboard for the protocol (, and I have been chipping away at some tasks for the Juicebox interface already (!
What might a starter project be for you?
I will continue to work on improving the website interface and dune dashboard. I would also like to start researching Juicebox V2 and conceptualizing future subgraph and interface needs.
@peri and @Jango have both stated support.
Once you feel good enough about your answers, create a version of this template here, and post a link to your proposal in the JuiceboxDAO discord in the #proposals channel.
The decision to add you to the payouts will be made through a Snapshot vote between all users currently receiving payouts from the DAO.
The DAO will decide whether to progress the proposal by either expanding the funding cycle target to accommodate the new payout, or by reallocating within the current target.
If the target is being expanded, this will also require a vote among all JBX toke holders.