As new ideas emerge about how we should be operating or making decisions together as a DAO, contributors are encouraged to propose new guidelines for us to consider.
In writing, provide answers to the following questions:
Author: @Jango
Proposal date:
Provide a comprehensive, 1-2 sentence summary of your proposal.
As the DAO grows, all involved should have a tangible reference point that outlines what we're working on together, what we can expect from one another, and what the DAO is using its resources to support.
The document attached below proposes a Mission statement for the DAO, an outline of 11 Focus Areas where the DAO allocates its resources, and a statement about what it means to be a member of the DAO.
What is the goal of this proposal? The goal is to encourage community alignment around a set of principles.
What is the process being addressed? This is less about a specific process, and more about setting an undertone from which all processes built on top can be validated.
What is the current inefficiency in the process that this proposal seeks to fix? We currently have a general sense of what we're all working towards, but it has not been articulated in writing and signed by members.
What are the changes to the process being proposed?
See this document:
What are the potential risks and tradeoffs of this proposal that we should monitor over time?
This space moves quickly. Someone is always proposing a fascinating new version of the future every few days. This document should help us keep focused despite a world of distractions, but the DAO should use this foundation only so long as it is useful to maintain community alignment.
This document was discussed in the past two Town Hall meetings, and iterated on over the past two weeks by DAO members.
Once you feel good enough about your answers, create a version of this template here, and post a link to your proposal in the JuiceboxDAO discord in the #proposals channel.
The decision to enact proposal process changes will be made through a Snapshot vote between all JBX holders.