Title: CanuDAO new recurring payout
Author: Zeugh
Date: 2022-06-03
Expand CanuDAO’s payout to $12000/cycle so it can invest further in quick community launching processes and tools, hire more people and make it’s products free or more accessible for new JB projects
- Change CanuDAO goals towards juicebox from ( bots + juiceboxDAO community management ) to ( bots + community management + development of easy community launch kit + discount pricing for juicebox new projects that want to hire our community starter service)
- Increase CanuDAO payout from $8000 to $12000
- Make clear on either Discord, docs or website that those resources and services are available
- Make CanuDAO’s coded products(twitter and discord bots and integrations) free for all new juicebox projects
- Make CanuDAO’s human resources dependant products (starter kit community package and others) cheaper for JB projects
Canu wants to expand it’s services towards JuiceboxDAO from bots + community management to add the provision of tools that can make community “zero to reality” easier for JB projects. We already started working on it, and the first two cases are running now on ComicsDAO(JB project) and PlutoView(non JB Project). As this is something that could deeply benefit juicebox if provided broadly and actively to new projects on the protocol by helping them get further reach and success, we’d like to ask for a bigger payout to increase our time available to focus on that.
CanuDAO has grown and our previous model of focusing on outsourcing community managers to projects and getting dev support as needed has changed into a team of devs, CMs and other contributors that develops community tooling and can help projects to quick launch their communities.
For that, Canu would like to update it’s goals in working with Juicebox, from (a) the development and maintenance of bots and (b) the services of Zeugh as community manager, to a new perspective of (1) Zeugh’s service as community manager, (2) development and maintenance of bots, (3) the development of tooling for autonomous community launch and (4) the free service of minimal community building for new juicebox projects.
Canu has already been moving in this direction based on the clear need that new projects have after launching their treasuries, we’ve been spending more of our time and resources developing processes and tools to make faster and more automated ways that a community launch from zero to a point where it can start walking by itself.
Those changes included an expansion in our contributors, including the onboarding of lazervike as product manager, a bigger dedication from acalanto on info organization and internal community management, extra time from phytann on updating the old bots to be more flexible and compatible with v2 and three new contributors, kingjhon, lucasVDD and gabobena on development and design.
With this expansion Canu has been running on it’s investor/donation funds for a while now until we actually had something functional that could justify bigger investment.
As it can be extremely beneficial for juiceboxDAO to have a free automated community launch kit and an accessible quick launch support from Canu team, the proposal is for Juicebox to participate in those costs for the next 3 months as part of the CanuDAO’s recurring payout.
A list of the products that Canu has been focused in developing this last few months and that we want to keep moving forward on:
- Canu Dao Helper v2: upgrading the heartbeat bot to be compatible to v2
- Sentiment Analysis: a tool to run trough tweets that mention a certain tag, hash tag or pre-selection of posts to understand general opinion and strong points inside of it to help guide communities
- GovBot: making the current bot running on #📚-governance-discussion more flexible, a new version is already running in canu but still under development to be fully customizable by and for each communtiy that wants to use it
- AutoGov: a governance launch interface, allowing new communities to create governances from scratch, guiding them trough the processes they have to do
- MetaBot: a bot that guides you trough the installment of other bots into your server so you don't have to hunt them yourself or have someone experienced do it to you
- StarterKit: a 2-3 weeks process where we deploy human resources to pump the begining of your community, asking the right questions and generating movement. It's still under improvement before being properly 100% ready, but comicsDAO is the latest example.
Communities are made by people and it’s creation does not resolve around a specific formula, not all communities will be able to benefit completely from our tools as they can deeply differ from one another
The human part of the Starter kit service is dependent on availability, and although Canu can prioritize JB projects, we can’t run 20 at the same time, so if demand is too big we will have to pick projects to support first and then have a waitlist.
Our bots have needed updates when v2 launched to adapt then to the new system, similar things can happen again upon changes and stall the progress again.
Increase CanuDAO’s payout from $8000 to $12000 Make it clearly findable on Juicebox materials that those resources are available
The increase in payout is based on the growth of the crew to provide this service The visibility of those materials should be easy to find, so more projects can benefit trough it.
Jan 2022-now: realization that community launch is not scalable if dependent on long term human resource and start of Starter Kit development
April 2022-now: testing and improvements on the starter kit
FUTURE if approved:
FC#24: Change in the payouts
June 2022: Making all bots available for self implementation
June 2022: Publishing guides on how to build minimum viable communities
June-August 2022: Offering community starter kit at discount price to new juicebox projects
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