
JBP-20: App Infrastructure Spending






When someone needs to get paid or refunded, a proposal should be made to make the case for it.

In writing, provide answers to the following questions:



Payout recipient:


Proposal date:


Provide a comprehensive, 1-2 sentence summary of your proposal.

Compensate @peri for spending on app infrastructure services, and allocate funding toward future spending.

What is this payout for?

The Juicebox app currently depends on these services:

  • Infura - Used to send JSONRPC requests, necessary to call contracts on Ethereum.
  • Fleek - Deploys new versions of the app to IPFS. Provides a DNS gateway with SSL.
  • BlockNative - Enables connecting an Ethereum wallet to the app, and reports the status of sent transactions.
  • TheGraph - Indexes events on Ethereum and makes data accessible over HTTPS.

Until recently, the cost of these services have been negligible and paid by @peri. With the recent surge in app usage following the launch of ConstitutionDAO, costs have increased, making it necessary to offload spending for these to the DAO.

This proposal has two parts:

  1. Compensate @peri for the costs of the most recent billing period, outlined below:
  • Infura: $12,847.94 / 2.95 ETH (per month)
  • TheGraph billing balance: 5K GRT / 1.08 ETH (running balance)
  • Fleek: $200 / 0.04 ETH (per month)

Total: 4.07 ETH

  1. Move 6.7 ETH to the multisig to be used as follows:
  • Move 4.5 ETH to an Infura billing balance. Due to Infura's willingness to customize our billing strategy, costs will decrease in the future from the recent billing period, however we won't know an exact number until next month. I estimate a decrease of at least 50%, in which case 4.5 ETH will cover at least 3 months of spending on Infura.
  • Convert 2 ETH to roughly 10,000 GRT and to be deposited into the Graph billing balance. During the week of the ConstitutionDAO surge, 2,100 GRT was spent on query costs—while previously costs were on average 15 GRT per week. Accounting for an overall increase in queries due to growth, and 1 similar sized surge each month, this balance should last for at least 3 months.
  • Move 0.2 ETH to our Fleek billing balance. At $200/mo, this should cover at least 3 months of Fleek services.

Payout Amount

10.77 ETH

What risks, drawbacks, or cons should be considered?

Details on funding Infura with ETH still haven't been fully communicated. If we were to stop using Infura before the billing balances were spent, it's possible there may be difficulties in refunding our ETH. However, the billing balance in the Graph can be withdrawn any time.


List others from the community who can be spokespeople for this proposal.

Once you feel good enough about your answers post a link to your proposal in the JuiceboxDAO discord in the #proposals channel.

The decision to schedule the one-time payout will be made through a Snapshot vote between all JBX holders.

