Title: Trial Payout 2 for nnnnicholas
Author: nnnnicholas
Date: 2022-06-17
Create a 1 FC trial payout for Nicholas (via dao dev inc.) to work as a contributor on product development, DAO operations, partnerships and communication.
Engage Nicholas (via an engagment with his company dao dev inc.) to contribute to the following JuiceboxDAO initiatives: Product strategy, design, and development, NFT integration, internal and external communications, partnerships and recruiting, legal and compliance, and DAO operations.
Juicebox protocol is well on its way to finding self-sustaining adoption, but faces headwinds in the current bear market, which has significantly affected the value of the treasury.
To survive and flourish, Juicebox must retain existing projects, attract new ones to grow revenue, and find true product-market fit amongst builders in the space.
To reach the target audiences of both technical and non-technical project creators, Juicebox will need to clarify its internal priorities, continue to quickly iterate on its product and communication strategies, and better communicate its use cases externally.
I do not perform meaningful work during this FC.
Pay $8000 (in ETH) to jb.daodevinc.eth one time.
By voting to approve this proposal in Snapshot, you are confirming that you have read and agree to the Terms of Engagement with dao dev inc., Nicholas’s employer.
Terms of Engagement IPFS CID: QmYpYs1uvRQ9thKsk8PVEekSzka6HtZ24SRVx2fzAgc94T
I am creating a second trial payout, rather than a recurring payout, because I have not yet revised the Terms of Engagement with legal counsel to clarify and simplify terms according to feedback on the last proposal. By making this a one cycle trial, DAO members are only committing to the unrevised terms for the duration of FC25. I should have time to revise the terms of engagement before the next temp check, at which time I intend to propose a recurring payout with the improved Terms of Engagement.
In the weeks leading up to my first trial payout (FC24, beginning June 18), I have:
- Onboarding Austin Griffith’s Buidl Guidl via a JBDAO grant-funded hackathon - Sponsor Buidl Guidl Juicebox Hackathon.
- Fostering a collaboration between new JB project JokeDAO and BuidlGuidl, where JokeDAO will serve as the voting infrastructure for the BuidlGuidl hackathon.
Protocol Security
- Creating a Code4rena Audit - Sponsor Code4rena Audit
- Creating an ImmuneFi Bug Bounty - Update JBP-42 - JBX Bug Bountys
- Contributing to NFT Juicebox integrations via User Research interviews and product architecture discussions.
Internal Communications
- Social coordination & communication to create harmony between DAO contributors
External Communications
- Juicebox value prop tweet campaign
In FC24 and FC25, I will narrow my focus to the areas where I can most move the needle:
- Product development: market research, strategy, and design to make Juicebox a natural choice for NFT community creators.
- Internal communications: increase awareness of builder activity across DAO members, host town halls, improve documentation.
- External communications: communicate projects being built on the protocol, v2 dev buidl opportunities, JBDAO governance engagement, and Juicecast audio content.
- Partnerships and recruiting: project creator and developer relations to recruit talent to JBDAO and as 3rd parties to build atop the protocol.
- Compliance: legal planning work.
1 FC duration, FC#25