Title: Update reserve rate to be evenly distributed among receipients
Author: twodam
Date: 2022-07-01
What’s the idea?
Update reserve rate by:
- twodam: from 3.22% to 3.18%
- dao.jbx.eth: from 30% to 30.04%
Why now? What problems does this solve?
So all recipients will share reserved tokens evenly every FC.
How exactly will this be executed? Be specific and leave no ambiguity.
Update reserved list by:
- twodam 3.22 → 3.18%
- dao.jbx.eth 30% → 30.04%
What might go wrong?
twodam will get less reserved tokens, that’s fine because twodam are also the proposer here.
When exactly should this proposal take effect? When exactly should this proposal end?
Should take effect on FC#26.