Title: Create Recurring Payout for jigglyjams
Author: jigglyjams
Date: 2022-06-29
The governance process is essential to the operation of a DAO. Juicebox DAO needs governance automation in order to ensure proposals are carried from idea to execution in an accurate and timely manner. Jigglyjams developed a platform called nance and it successfully carried proposals through the stages of governance for the past 5 funding cycles, making jigglyjams the most qualified member to perform this task. To further the development of nance, JuiceboxDAO should pay jigglyjams $4,800 per funding cycle for FC#26-32.
If you are reading this proposal, you understand how important governance is to JuiceboxDAO. In order for JB to adapt and change for the better, members of the DAO have the unique opportunity of proposing, discussing, and voting on what changes to execute upon. Each stage of governance has different requirements and thus uses a different type of communication platform. JB's governance tech stack is built on Notion, Discord, Snapshot, and Gnosis Safe.
In the past, filipv and stevie g were the governance facilitators for the DAO and would manually shuttle data between the gov tech stack. With the development of nance, this is no longer necessary.
When a proposal is submitted to Notion, nance detects it, posts in Discord, and starts a discussion thread in order for DAO members to provide their opinions. At the start of the Temperature Check phase of governance, nance creates a simple Discord reaction based poll for each of the active proposals. At the end of the Temperature Check phase, nance counts the Discord reactions and submits all proposals that have passed to Snapshot for the Offchain Voting phase of governance. Once Offchain Voting is complete, nance checks Snapshot votes and updates the Notion database, and then sends a message with the results to Discord. See flow diagram for more details and #governance-automation channel in discord for active updates on the platform.
Automating this process has had several positive effects:
- Freeing up DAO members to perform higher level tasks
- Alerting members of the DAO when and what needs their attention
- Removing human errors in the counting of polls and votes
- Kicking off each stage of governance at the correct time
Further development of the nance platform is needed in order to bring stability to the code, to add new features (such as codifying payout requests per jango's request, adding automatic translation per twodam’s/zhape’s recommendation), and to enhance the platform to be capable of running automated governance for other DAOs.
Jigglyjams has been working nights and weekends over the past 3 months, and in July is beginning to commit further to the nance platform. July 6 - August 6 jigglyjams will be winding down commitments at his day job and devoting 20 hours/week to nance. After August 6 jigglyjams will be committing full time to the development of nance.
Add jigglyjams.eth to the JuiceboxDAO recurring payouts at $4,800 for FC#26-32
Jigglyjams is taking on risk by leaving his full time job in order to develop the nance platform. The development of nance will be beneficial to JB and the greater DAO ecosystem.
The DAO may not feel that they get the request amount of value out of the nance platform.
This proposal shall take effect following the FC#26 Snapshot vote and shall end after FC#32