Payout recipient:
Proposal date:
Provide a comprehensive, 1-2 sentence summary of your proposal.
For my first funding cycle as a part of the DAO, I propose a payment of $500 USD in exchange for completing governance tasks.
- Update illustration throughout the governance process.
- @DAO in discord at the beginning of Temperature Checks.
- Update Proposals Notion doc if requirements are not met.
- @DAO on the first day of Snapshot voting.
- @DAO/Tweet with 24 hours left in Snapshot voting.
- @DAO with results of Snapshot.
What gaps do you see in the DAO's process, and how might you help to fill them?
Although I would be starting in governance, I have experience working in professional audio production, music production, and social media, and I am studying development (Solidity, Node.js) in my free time. In the near future, I can contribute to the governance and social media teams, and a few months down the line I could transition into a development role if needed.
What might a starter project be for you?
I would be happy to help with a number of projects in governance and in social media.
For governance:
- All of the tasks listed above
- Create 'How to get paid?' Process Doc
- Scheduling (e.g. Set Sesh for Governance Dates, scheduling meetings, etc)
- Governance Facilitation
For social media:
- Handle the production, sound engineering, and editing for the Juicebox podcast (in discussion)
- Write posts for the Juicebox blog
- Reword verbiage throughout website and Discord server
Payout Amount
$500 USD
I was onboarded by @9birdy9 who I would be working with closely on governance tasks (and also recommended I create this proposal).