Author: jigglyjams
Date: 2022-10-06
What’s the idea?
Renew recurring payout to jigglyjams at $5,000 per cycle for 4 cycles (a total of $20,000)
What problem does this solve? Why now?
Governance automation is essential to the long lasting success of Juicebox. The nance project has made major strides in automating juicebox DAO’s governance but there is still more work to be done. Just in the past few weeks twodam and jigglyjams have been heavily collaborating on building a stand alone tool for juicebox governance (see alpha This helps clarify to proposal submitters what fields are necessary for proposal submission and helps automate payout proposal configurations.
The amount of time that high payout members of the DAO are doing low level tedious work is still much too high. Automatic reconfigurations of both the V2 and V3 treasury have been successfully performed by nance, saving a lot of time and headache for multisig members. The configuration of the V1 treasury is still very tedious and must be automated to prevent unintended costly mistakes.
How exactly will this be executed? Be specific and leave no ambiguity.
Add jigglyjam’s V2 juicebox project (id: 188) to the funding distribution of juicebox dao’s v2 treasury for the amount of $5,000 in ETH
Why is this specification appropriate?
Since jigglyjam’s first recurring payout proposal (JBP-221) the following things have been accomplished:
- Automatic translations of proposals during voting phase using deepl API and storage in GitHub (see
- Backup of proposals and voting results in GitHub (see
- Adding columns to notion db that support payout routing information
- Automatic Gnosis transaction queuing of payout reconfigurations for JB treasuries V2 & V3 (this saves the multisig signers a lot of time!)
- Many bug fixes and overall tightening of the notion → discord → snapshot flow of information
- gnance.eth has submitted 86 proposals to snapshot and many more to discord
- jigglyjams has assisted peeldao by contributing to the juice-sdk’s (see
- jigglyjams has assisted in the great herding of the multisig
With the continuation of jigglyjam’s recurring payout the following tasks are to be accomplished:
- Automatic configuration of V1 treasury - jigglyjams will collaborate with twodam to make this a great experience for the DAO and multisig members
- Automatic synchronization of all JB’s juicebox treasuries
- Migrate away from notion - jigglyjams plans to slowly migrate juicebox off of notion as a proposal storage system. A prototype is still in need of building but jigglyjams plans on using dolt (git for sql databases) to version and store the governance database. Initially juicetool will submit proposals to both notion and the new governance storage system, when the new system is fully running and the dao is comfortable with its abilities we will shut off the connections to notion.
- Make nance more accessible to other juicebox projects - the ease that nance provides to juicebox dao will attract other daos to the platform. Accomplishing the task above (migration off of notion) with twodam and juicetool will be a major catalyst to expand to other juicebox projects
- Stats on the number of proposals that have passed through nance
What might go wrong?
jigglyjams may fail to do this job. Mitigation: jigglyjams has been heavily involved over the past 5 months and very much enjoys this work and being apart of JB
When exactly should this proposal take effect? When exactly should this proposal end?
This proposal shall take effect in the GC#33 reconfiguration and remain until GC#36