
JBP-275: StudioDAO Function Integration, Legal and Launch Support grant






30,000 USD


Proposed Transactions

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Author: kenbot.eth
Date: (2022-10-07)


The Juicebox Protocol V3 expands the potential for Juicebox powered projects to develop opinionated interfaces and enables a wider spectrum of use cases for Juicebox based apps.

StudioDAO is an efficient, appealing, full stack use case for JB V3 and NFT Rewards as a coordination protocol for ambitious creative projects.

StudioDAO is an ideal reference project that is ‘Powered by Juicebox’ that brings to reality the immediate potential for user owned networks to become powerful entities.

StudioDAO, U.N.A. (Unincorporated Nonprofit Association) is designed, and operated by StudioDAO, Backlot LLC. but is 100% owned by its members.

This structure allows us to create a crypto-native DAO with a scoped down governance pipeline that wraps JB V3 into an appealing UX and value prop for filmmakers and fans. And importantly allows the DAO to launch with a true fair drop for this new format of creative collective.

StudioDAO innovates in the following areas to accomplish this:

- NFT based membership in StudioDAO, unifying multiple sub-communities across Juicebox entry points
- DAO Approval of Juicebox configurations as defined by CSV templates enforces Network rules.
- Contractual relationships with Filmmakers that deliver backend participation in community funded films. Revenue is deposited in the U.N.A.’s juicebox and funds the U.N.A.’s Green-light grants, creating a regenerative loop of filmmaking and film distribution revenue.
- DAO structure that supports on-chain and IRL activity, with a path to true decentralization.
- A carefully defined feature set that supports global participation via NFT Rewards.
- StudioDAO is unique in its approach to utilize the Juicebox protocol for long term community development, operation while building the potential for fully autonomous DAOs in the future.


StudioDAO’s trajectory as a carefully incubated project is gaining momentum, and is in need of resources to continue to build and launch.

StudioDAO is preparing for launch rapidly after the availability of NFT Rewards. We have completed the design/UX for our MVP at🎬-StudioDAO-MVP-Sketches?node-id=510%3A4639&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=468%3A4030&starting-point-node-id=510%3A4639

Backlot will be implementing that for launch in sync with the launch of V3 on Goerli.

These essential steps have been backed by a prior JBDAO x StudioDAO proposal.

Next Steps

StudioDAO’s team is planning the next steps to launching a highly integrated app that coordinates filmmakers and fans in a productive, fun, regenerative DAO with multiple reasons to return often and engage.

Key next steps for launch of the DAO include:

  • Integrate snapshot voting to allocate regular green-light treasury grants into
  • Integrate NFT Reward purchase, display and utility into and collaborate with Peel to develop a new JB primitive that ALL NFT rewards project owners can use to develop engaged and decentralized communities.
  • Complete the connection of real world contractual relationships to our on–chain community and membership
  • Expand our on-boarding efforts to test and grow our network effects
  • Celebrate our first season filmmakers properly
  • Showcase JB V3 and generate excitement with its broad and creative appeal.


StudioDAO needs support to iterate our MVP, integrate NFT sales and token based governance on site, expand the DAOs first slate of films and begin to manage the value and power of the DAOs green-light treasury.

Our initial output is very efficient and demonstrates the massive latent power of the Juicebox X StudioDAO collaboration

StudioDAO requests an additional $30,000 to elevate our effort and maintain our momentum

- 5K for continued Front End development
- 5K for continued UX development
- 5K to support expanded filmmaker launch slate (current plan is 4 films ready to launch in first 2-4 weeks of operation)
- 15K to complete legal contracts development, and financial operations needed to on-board filmmakers responsibly.

If the proposal passes, JuiceboxDAO will payout $30k to StudioDAO.eth to support these efforts.

Any leftover funds in the treasury after the execution of these steps will be used to support the StudioDAO mission.

Funding the Green-light treasury

During this FC we will plan for a larger proposal that can cold start the expanded slate we anticipate in November.

Many interesting use cases emerge for token driven allocation of treasuries, we will engage the JB DAO broadly in this effort to determine road map and drive towards fully decentralized processes that capitalize on JB V3s expanded capabilities


StudioDAO is utilizing Juicebox to create a groundbreaking entertainment experience that empowers film fans like never before.

StudioDAO demonstrates long term, real world value creation and a use case for Juicebox that will onboard 1000s of influential new users including the filmmakers who are ready to bring the DAO to life.


This project is complex. Technical, legal, operational or creative issues may limit our ability to execute and successfully launch StudioDAO.



