Author: jango
Date: 2022-10-07
Versioning strategy work, extensions roll-outs, and JBX strengthening and operational convergence with our v3 treasury are necessary projects. They are delicate however, and successful implementations are more likely when attended to by folks who have full context of their technical, financial, and social implications. The DAO should renew jango’s recurring payout to continue researching and developing these efforts.
Right now we're at the climax of operational overhead due to versioning stuff. The work now is to reduce it all back down to our v3 treasury, creating stability for developers building projects and extensions, and for the JBX token.
Continue payouts of $21k per FC to project #55 from the Juicebox DAO’s v2 treasury until Jango launches a V3 treasury for project #55 and Juicebox DAO has funded its v3 treasury sufficiently (≥$100k) to fulfill this commitment. At that time, Jango will let the bookkeeper know to remove the payout to project #55 from Juicebox DAO’s v2 treasury and add it to the v3 treasury.
Jango wants to experiment moving project #55’s main treasury to V3 ASAP.
It’s a lot of money that could be better spent elsewhere, or kept in reserves to spend at later times.
Implement this payout as soon as possible, and remove this payout 90 days from this proposal’s passing.