Author: filipv
Date: 2022-10-07
Update the DAO multisig’s membership.
Although the multisig has succeeded in executing proposals thus far, the burden on multisig members has increased significantly due to the deployment of Juicebox DAO’s v2 and v3 treasuries. Consequently, the multisig has experienced several “close calls” in recent funding cycles. Further success relies on maintaining highly involved multisig membership.
Signing frequencies for the last 61 transactions:
(filipv) 0xDc6D...9651 61
(Dr. Gorilla) drgorilla.eth, 0x6860...Ea3c 58
(twodam) jbx.twodam.eth, 0xD782...21b8 56
(seanmc) seanmc.eth, 0xc109...cC94 54
(johnnyd) johnnyd.eth, 0xf0FE...abAd 52
(zeugh) zeugh.eth, 0xf725...0041 50
(dhyon) 0xA0Ba...c77c 46
(jango) jango.eth, 0x823b...ADAD 43
(mieos) mieos.eth, 0xe787...EFd1 41
(tankbottoms) 0x468f...7409 39
(Peri) peri.eth, 0x63A2...5834 24
(aeolian) aeolian.eth, 0xE16a...357B 17
(Austin) jbx.austingriffith.eth, 0xAd69...fb15 4
(Gulan) gulan.eth, 0xF828...BAea 3
(Aaron) 0x352e...2D09 0
Conduct a weighted Snapshot vote with the following options:
- No
- Abstain
- 0x123a3c28eb9e701c173d3a73412489f3554f3005 (jmill)
- 0x25910143c255828f623786f46fe9a8941b7983bb (jigglyjams)
- 0x468f178672C86bFA02e5E1B0413C3ccf55A37409 (tankbottoms)
- 0x2DdA8dc2f67f1eB94b250CaEFAc9De16f70c5A51 (Viraz)
- 0x5706d5ad7a68bf8692bd341234be44ca7bf2f654 (Zhape)
- 0x63A2368F4B509438ca90186cb1C15156713D5834 (peri)
- 0x679d87d8640e66778c3419d164998e720d7495f6 (pmoncada)
- 0x6860f1A0cF179eD93ABd3739c7f6c8961A4EEa3c (Dr. Gorilla)
- 0x823b92d6a4b2AED4b15675c7917c9f922ea8ADAD (jango)
- 0xA0Ba480a2222bB18c010f97144cFb9A687a8c77c (Dhyon)
- 0xAd69cDE6AFB7Ca67BcAbD033962b5D45cfedfb15 (Austin Griffith)
- 0xb045708e396E20071324C1aed2E4CFB90A0764FE (0xBA5ED)
- 0xc109636a2b47f8b290cc134dd446Fcd7d7e0cC94 (seanmc)
- 0xD78285eef93E13D1F96062265b68099C480121b8 (twodam)
- 0xDc6Dd6Bc601448541A4862a91De1B86291839651 (filipv)
- 0xE16a238d207B9ac8B419C7A866b0De013c73357B (Aeolian)
- 0xe7879a2D05dBA966Fcca34EE9C3F99eEe7eDEFd1 (mieos)
- 0xf0FE43a75Ff248FD2E75D33fa1ebde71c6d1abAd (JohnnyD)
- 0xF8284136B169213E4c50cE09f3E1D9A9b484BAea (Gulan)
Any vote other than a “no” or an “abstain” will be counted as a “yes” for standard governance purposes. If this proposal passes, multisig ownership will be transferred to the 14 volunteers which receive the most votes. If the proposal passes and fewer than 14 volunteers have received votes, only those who have received votes will be included on the multisig. The threshold shall at all times remain at the lowest possible number greater than the total number of multisig owner accounts times 0.6.
Addresses listed in this proposal are not binding. Prospective multisig signers may designate another address which they prefer to the one listed herein.
Note that current multisig members 0x352e85EC1b6c1D422AD868A2b2f3151ED2B12D09 (Aaron Wright) and 0xf7253A0E87E39d2cD6365919D4a3D56D431D0041 (Zeugh) are not included in this list.
A weighted vote allows for the multisig’s updated makeup to reflect the will of the community.
These individuals may inherit certain risks associated with being on the multisig. There might be many new multisig members. It may take time for them to adapt. Updated configurations will have to be queued quickly to allow for signing. Safe does not allow for the addition or removal of more than one member in a given transaction.
The multsig’s membership shall be fully updated no later than four weeks after this proposal’s passing.