text Author: jigglyjams Date: 2022-12-02
## Synopsis State what the proposal does in one sentence. This renews and reduces jigglyjams payout to $1,000 per cycle for 7 cycles (total of $7,000). ## Motivation What problem does this solve? Why now? There is still a lot to be done with the nance platform but juicebox has already paid a substantial amount for jigglyjams to develop it. This lower payout will be to finalize some dolt database managment items as well as jigglyjams efforts towards creating a juicebox native subscription system that nance and other similar projects can use. Once this subscription (simple smart contract + open dolt database, some more details here) is deployed, jigglyjams would like to use that system to receive smaller maintenance payments for the nance platform. This payment will also go towards jigglyjams helping with multisig reconfigurations and maintenance. ## Specification How exactly will this be executed? Be specific and leave no ambiguity. Add jigglyjam’s V2 juicebox project (id: 188) to the funding distribution of juicebox dao’s V2 treasury for the amount of $1,000 in ETH. ## Rationale Why is this specification appropriate? jigglyjams would like to decrease their payout in order to incentivize the search for other paying users of the nance platform. ## Risks What might go wrong? jigglyjams may fail to do this job. Mitigation: jigglyjams has been heavily involved over the past 6 months and very much enjoys this work and being apart of JB. ## Timeline When exactly should this proposal take effect? When exactly should this proposal end? This proposal shall take effect in the GC#37 reconfiguration and remain until GC#43
JBP-309: Renew and reduce jigglyjams recurring payout
7,000 USD
Proposed Transactions
Payout action loading...