Author: Nicholas
Date: 2022-12-30
Extend the multisig’s permission to set the TokenUriResolver till the end of February.
The TokenUriResolver gives metadata to JB Projects. The first iteration is ready to ship. This proposal will extend the permission the DAO gave the multisig to set and change the TokenUriResolver in JBP-267 - Give the Multisig permission to set tokenUriResolver.
Grant the multisig permission to set and change the tokenUriResolver. Nicholas and Jango (and other members of the contract crew) will communicate with the multisig to update the tokenUriResolver over time as they deem necessary.
The tokenUriResolver is a low stakes parameter of the protocol. Granting open ended permission to the multisig to update it poses no major threat to the security or usability of the protocol, and gives JBDAO’s devs the opportunity to improve the tokenUriResolver contract iteratively.
The tokenUriResolver could be used to deploy bad metadata that is deceptive or underwhelming. In the extreme worst case, the tokenUriResolver could enable malicious wallet interaction in unsafe NFT metadata browsers — though OpenSea and other major marketplaces have protections in place to remove this threat vector.
Grant open ended permission to the multisig to update the tokenUriResolver until the end of February.