
JBP-322: Fund JB project Pulp to meet visibility and comms needs - Phase 1






15,000 USD


Proposed Transactions

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Author: Onni and Felixander
Date: (2022-12-30)


Pay JB Project Pulp $7,500 in gov cycle #39 for Phase 1 marketing, community building and UI support to and the Juicebox community, and a further $7,500 upon the successful completion of that work (estimated timeline approximately 1-1.5 months).


The goal of Pulp is to create a web3 marketing and community-building firm that will serve the needs of JuiceboxDAO and its projects by establishing best practices backed by regular and transparent metrics (such as marketing assets, a press kit, and basic pitches to highlight the protocol’s use-cases). Pulp will also audit and assess the current marketing efforts, their efficacy, and needs moving forward. Finally, it will implement a marketing and community-building strategy to bring users to more projects and increase the rate of project donation across the entire platform. These strategies will not only help JBM, but will also be extended to projects on the site who could use the extra exposure. This proposal is for Pulp’s Phase 1 goals for Juicebox, detailed below.


Juicebox is at a critical juncture and Banny & co. must grow. Having developed an elite protocol and tooling suite, the platform must evolve visibility efforts to reach a larger user base. Several established best practice solutions will allow Juicebox to quickly gain ground and audience.

Formal marketing and community building strategies hold the potential to both increase exposure of existing projects as well as attract new creators. Yet, these traditional techniques must also evolve. Web3 staples like transparent metrics and data driven decision making will allow targeting of specific goals and the course corrections needed to hit them.

Pulp, a Web3 focused comms agency with thirty years combined experience in comms and marketing, will implement said techniques for Juicebox. Our initial campaign will aim to bring Juicebox up-to-speed and serve as proof of concept for Pulp and its efficacy.


The risks include Pulp not achieving its goals, or not even trying to execute them in good faith. Additional risks involve underperformance or poor data collection and analysis methods.


Pay JB project Pulp $7,500 upon the successful passing of this proposal to get started on Phase 1 work. Upon completion of Milestone 1, pay Pulp the remaining $7,500 for work completed.

Milstone 1: - Approximately 1-1.5 months from now

All Phase 1 deliverables (listed below) are achieved and made available to JBDAO and its community.


We will deliver actionable items over three phases, after which we hope Pulp will be self-sustaining by providing similar work for other web3 organizations. An overview of goals and detailed outline of each phase is below.


  1. Increase Juicebox user base
  2. Increase Juicebox project creation and donations
  3. Increase membership in Juicebox hosted DAOs

Phase 1 - Audit and establish a baseline and goals

  • Deliver a report on past and current efforts and efficacy on visibility and comms.
  • Take inventory of all current marketing and community building efforts.
  • Establish current metrics around engagement across all marketing efforts (Deliverable: Glossary of JB Metrics)
  • Establish current metrics around user conversions for current JBM front-end.
  • Spin up missing social media opportunities (Deliverable: LinkedIn + content, connection building)
  • Begin populating those outlets with content using a/b testing to gauge efficacy. (Deliverable: Report on effective--and ineffective--strategies.
  • Hosting of weekly visibility meetings. Weekly reports to Town Hall & Discord to increase coordination. (Deliverable: self explanatory)
  • Contact projects within the Juicebox ecosystem and assess shared comms needs amongst these organizations; look for synergy with Juicebox’s needs. (Deliverable: Shared comms strategy doc for implementation in Phase 2)
  • Create basic Press Kit (Deliverable: Folder containing images, PDF deck, PDF One Pager)
  • Create Press List (Deliverable: compilation of 30 contacts, minimum)
  • Bulk out email list (Deliverable: At least 2x increase in subscribers)
  • Develop materials for use by partner organizations (Deliverable: Self explanatory)
  • Collaborate with Peel to implement simple frontend upgrades (Deliverable: Copy, wireframe guidance, analytics share-outs and consulting)

Future roadmap**:**

Upon the successful completion of the Phase 1 deliverables, a proposal for Phase 2 will be brought into governance. This ensures that Pulp is held to accountability metrics and will not receive payment before delivering on its Phase 1 promises, and it offers the DAO to reevaluate its engagement with Pulp between milestones.

Future proposals will detail Phase 2 and 3 (listed below). These phases will be augmented as data comes in from the phase 1 work.

Phase 2 - Launch marketing intervention and community hub

  • Enact a baseline marketing intervention (Deliverable: create ad campaigns, guerilla marketing, book podcast interviews)
  • Utilize Press List to distribute press releases for major JB rollouts/news and projects. (Deliverable: 15 placements in cycle)
  • Build community around JB ecosystem (Deliverable: create a shared Discord server that will highlight JB projects and happenings, provide bounties and contests, and serve as a funnel to capture users and convert them to the JB ecosystem)
  • Implement Shared Comms Strategy created in Phase 1.
  • Collaborate with partner projects to promote JB.
  • Funnel new users into projects, creating more opportunities for donating, supporting and spreading the word about JB and projects on its platform

Phase 3 - Move toward independence and scale toward zero

  • Continue building JB community, and pass on major marketing and content work to community members within JB to maintain as Pulp takes less of a hands-on and more of an advisory role
  • Train community members in volunteer leadership roles to continue the marketing work of the DAO and its socials
  • Take on other (paid) clients and cross pollinate their community building efforts with JB’s, hopefully further growing the community in the process