
JBP-329: Trial Payout to Update Trad Comms Resources for W3 Use




3,525 USD


Proposed Transactions

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Payout action loading...

Status: Draft

Author: Onni
Date: (2023-01-13)


Project aims to shore up existing Comms resources by shoring up some best practice resources and supplying them to existing efforts and projects.


What problem does this solve? Why now?

Juicebox is need of increased exposure among both developers and project creators. We are at a juncture whereby those demographics must grow to prevent Juicebox from becoming an insular exercise at best or dying at worst. Likewise, creators are having trouble bringing new members into their projects; these resources will also aid in that cause.

How exactly will this be executed? Be specific and leave no ambiguity.

JB Treasury pays Onni 1762.50 USD (in ETH) at start and 1762.50 USD (in ETH) at completion.


We all seem to agree that added visibility is necessary, but the speicifics spark debate. This proposal aims to focus on building a foundation by employng some established techniques; moving forward, they can be evolved into more Web3 native techniques, like a Comms versioning. -- Media List (Deliverable: 30 A&B quality media contacts compiled into sharing spreadsheet.) -- Bulk Up Email List (Deliverable: 2x increase in subscribers) -- Press Release Tool Kit (Delieverables: Templates and Instructions for members to use.) -- Metrics Round Up (Deliverable: Deck uttillizing dashboard and other metrics to illustrate stats re ROI, cost per user, etc.) -- Initial outreach to media (Deliverable: 3 placements for Juicebox or Juicebox projects on third party media.) -- Press Kit (Deliverable: Media Resource Kit)


Onni may not execute. Additionally, there may be no additional audience for Juicebox (but doubtful).


Work will begin immediately and will take about four weeks. Media placements may be longer as we can not control when an outlet choses to run a story or stream a podcast.

