
JBP-370: $12k recurring Jango payout through Breadfruit




96,000 USD + 2,000,000 TOKEN


Proposed Transactions

Payout action loading...


Allocate $12,000 per Cycle to Breadfruit (ID 470), operated by Jango, for continued protocol risk management work. This includes contributions to documentation, advising both hired and freelance auditors and integrators who are digging into the protocol’s specs, and being on-call to help lead the DAO through any protocol emergencies.

In this renewal, Jango's payout is being reduced from current $21k / cycle, as is his intent to develop new contracts for JuiceboxDAO. The gameplan is to continue manage current risk instead of opening up new pockets of unscoped risk as JuiceboxDAO.


JuiceboxDAO has now finished [its versioning efforts]( There are no known bugs the DAO is actively working to fix, or core features the DAO is actively working to build. I believe the DAO’s core purpose is now to continue increasing the likelihood of the protocol’s safety and stability for integrators and users.

I plan on continuing helping the DAO with this risk mitigation work by:

  1. contributing to documentation intended to clearly, accurate, and accessibly reflect how the protocol works.

    1. clarify current juicebox protocol architecture and how information can be accessed.
    2. write more documentation on how certain extensions can be leveraged.
    3. document already-existing extensions to provide examples that others can follow.
    4. contribute to more boiler plate starter packs for extension developers.
    5. help prototype how LLMs might help curious users and devs traverse the juicebox protocol documentation.
  2.  advising both hired and freelance auditors and integrators by the DAO to review protocol components over time.

    1. help clients integrate the protocol’s functionality safely, and advise towards UXs that reduce risk and flex capability.
    2. help auditors traverse the protocol’s user journeys to discover undocumented behaviors.
    3. help protocol extension developers as they’re specifying and implementing functionality.
  3. being on-call to help lead the DAO through any protocol emergencies.

    1. it’s safer to assume that something unexpected is likely to happen, which might require timely attention from people with a wide understanding of how Juicebox protocol and JuiceboxDAO works.



  1. Send $12,000 of ETH to Breadfruit (ID 470) for 8 Cycles. Breadfruit will serve as an independent contractor to JuiceboxDAO.
  2. 2m JBX to breadfruit.eth upfront.
  3. Change the reserved token allocation current going to jango.eth to breadfruit.eth.


Easy and transparent.


Breadfruit is operated by Jango, a fragile human being that could go poof.


Next funding cycle

