JuiceboxDAO has 28,438,932.6187 NANA tokens from funding Bananapus, 13,271,501.8756 BLUNT tokens from funding Blunt, and 21,500,320 Greenlight Tokens from funding StudioDAO.
The first two projects plan to use on-chain governance, meaning JuiceboxDAO's balance will only be reflected if it claims this token.
The multisig should claim JuiceboxDAO's balance in the first two projects as ERC-20s, and evenly distribute 40% of those tokens to active contributors to allow them to participate in the governance process of these projects. The multisig should also evenly distribute 40% of its Greenlight Tokens to those contributors.
The DAO holds significant balance in all of these projects but has no plan to utilize those tokens.
- Multisig to call
with a_holder
(the multisig's address), a_projectId
(Bananapus' project), and an `_amount` of `28438932618707937346300000`. - Multisig to call `JBTokenStore.claimFor(...)` with a `_holder` of `0xAF28bcB48C40dBC86f52D459A6562F658fc94B1e`, a `_projectId` of
(Blunt's project), and an `_amount` of `13271501875610543177900000` - Evenly distribute 40% of the claimed amounts between DrGorilla.eth, jango.eth, 0xba5ed.eth, filipv.eth, 0xviraz.eth, brileigh.eth, matthewbrooks.eth, zhape.eth, sagekellyn.eth, mieos.eth, 0x3C6233fA507eDfB5F58615CB11f3FEf34Dc754Ee (project owner of dao dev inc), mcsa.eth, codalabs.eth, peri.eth, squarechainlabs.eth, strathmckay.eth, timjl.eth, and johnnyd.eth.
Of the ~28,438,932 $NANA being claimed, ~11,375,573 $NANA will be distributed in the manner above, with each address receiving ~631,976 $NANA.
Of the ~13,271,501 $BLUNT being claimed, ~5,308,600 $BLUNT will be distributed in the manner above, with each address receiving ~294,922 $BLUNT.
Of the ~21,500,320 Greenlight Tokens held by the DAO, ~8,600,128 Greenlight Tokens will be distributed in the manner above, with each address receiving ~477784 Greenlight Tokens.
This is a simple way to allow the JuiceboxDAO, Peel, and WAGMI Studios communities to contribute to and participate in the governance process of emerging Juicebox projects, but saves the majority of the tokens for JuiceboxDAO's future use.
To be executed within 2 months of this proposal's Snapshot ratification.