Payout recipient:
Proposal date:
Provide a comprehensive, 1-2 sentence summary of your proposal.
Add zhape to a trial period payout. This payout includes a retroactive payout of INSERT FIGURE for work completed as cn-mod in Discord and as a Chinese translator since DATE. This payout also includes a payout of INSERT FIGURE for the upcoming funding cycle period.
What gaps do you see in the DAO's process, and how might you help to fill them?
Due to the language gap, Juicebox discord, website and related content needs to be translated to Chinese so that the Chinese-language community can better understand the Juicebox protocol and JuiceboxDAO. In-time and precise translation as well as patient explanations should be helpful to smooth things out.
What might a starter project be for you?
My two main goals for the upcoming period are to continue moderating the Discord's Chinese language channels and to translate crucial protocol and DAO documents, prioritizing Governance, Tokenomics, and Protocol mechanisms, as those are the subjects I see Chinese discord members most often confused about. I will work with Zótico, the proposed translation organizer, to facilitate high quality and timely Chinese translations of protocol and DAO resources.
Payout Amount: