
JBP-405: Renew Reoccurring Payout for Nance Project




77,000 USD


Proposed Transactions

Payout action loading...


Renew funding to the nance Juicebox project for $11,000 per funding cycle for 7 cycles (total $77,000)


What we've done in last payout

Updates from previous proposal, JBP-364:

  1. Attaching "actions" to a proposal - This eases the burden on multisig members by clearly defining proposal actions that must be executed shall a proposal pass. The custom transaction action form built by twodam works very well for any multisig transactions that need to occur.
  2. Further improve proposal metrics - to be implemented at a later date
  3. Create nance instance UI - implemented a prototype, need improve UX and login with Discord to make it easy to use
  4. Explore different funding options - once create nance instance is done this will be much more feasible to implement
  5. Integrate accounting - to be implemented at a later date
  6. Public Read/Write for dolt - since all changes to the SQL database are pushed to dolthub, the data is always available to be read publicly, writing publicly coming soon 
  7. Documentation and about page - coming first week in July...
  8. Improve forkability - the github project page readme has been updated for ease of forkability such that anyone can host their own instance of the nance api
  9. Improve mobile site - layout updates implemented

New features not specified in previous proposal:

  1. Voter profile page - this page will display votes, created proposals and other stats of specified voter, try
  2. Proposal Navigator - this is shown at the bottom of all proposals, letting you easily navigate to the next proposal during temperature check or voting
  3. Sign in with Ethereum (SIWE) - In order to support private drafts (a frequently requested feature), SIWE was a required. After a lot of hold up trying to implement user sessions with cookies, we are nearly complete with merging in this feature.
  4. Proposal forking - While viewing a proposal, you will now see a "Fork Proposal" button. This will prepopulate a new proposal with the previous proposal content, allowing you to edit before submitting.
  5. Genericizing frontend - Frontend for nance is now deployed at both and
  6. Onboard ThirstyThirsty - Nance reminders are running in ThirstyThirsty discord and proposals can be submitted, viewed, and voted upon at 
  7. Tenderly multicall simulation - this allows nance to conglomerate transactions using gnosis safe multicall and ensure the calls will be successful (very useful for what we will focus on next #2)

What we will focus on next payout

  1. OpenZeppelin Governor integration (first client will be bananapus) - Submit a Juicebox reconfiguration to a deployed OpenZeppelin Governor contract
  2. Multicall proposal queuing system - Over the past few funding cycles we have observed filipv conglomerating several proposal transactions into a single multisig transaction using multicall. In order to ease this process we have designed a new approach that will allow multisig signers to select which proposals actions they want to be included in a single safe transaction. This should alleviate some of filipv's work. Jigglyjams has multicall working in Tenderly simulations (see here) and is able to output the transactions to a JSON file that can then be uploaded to Gnosis Safe UI. The next steps are to implement the frontend to choose which transactions are conglomerated. See sample flow below for details:

  3. Create nance space UI - This is essential to the growth of nance. Without a create space UI it is very difficult to onboard new members. Jigglyjams made a very simple UI but it required a user to copy paste many Discord IDs into the browser in order for nance to have all of the information it needs to do its automation. Adding sign in with Discord and using Discord's add a bad and channels API we can make it a much better experience to onboard a new organization.


Note: The nance juicebox project is owned by a 2/3 multisig with jigglyjams, twodam, and nicholas as the signers.

Expenses to operate nance are quite low (~$140/month):

The main use of the funds will be to pay our contributors:

  1. jigglyjams - $4,000/cycle (used to cover time and expense)
  2. twodam - $5,000/cycle
  3. nicholas - $1,500/cycle
    $10,500 (total contributors payout)
    + 500 (overflow to be kept in the project for operation(service) and future expenses)
    TOTAL request $11,000/cycle

All overflow funds ($500 per cycle) will stay in the nance juicebox project to be used at a later date for future expenses (more devs, new branding, expanded hosting requirements etc.)


The nance team may fail to do this job properly


  • jigglyjams, twodam, and nicholas are very dedicated to the mission of nance: helping communities make decisions
  • the nance team of nicholas, twodam, and jigglyjams have been meeting regularly (Nancehall is every other week alternating between 1AM and 1PM UTC, see nance discord for details) to further speed up the development process of the platform


This proposal shall take affect in GC#52

