
JBP-452: Re-Authorize Gas Reimbursements for 270 Days





Allow the multisig to reimburse gas fees incurred by multisig signers when executing transactions. Within each 30-day period, allow the multisig to reimburse up to 2 ETH for deploying Juicebox contracts, and 0.5 ETH for distributing JuiceboxDAO payouts or distributing reserved JBX.

These amounts are to be distributed at the multisig's discretion, and are not guaranteed to individuals deploying Juicebox-related contracts or sending payouts/tokens. Multisig signers should exercise their best judgement when signing or executing reimbursement transactions. For any larger reimbursements, a proposal will still be required.

Reimbursements will most likely be far below these amounts, but setting these thresholds gives the multisig some leeway to deal with unexpected events.


JBP-354 - Authorize Gas Reimbursements for 180 Days expired on September 13th, 2023. Since then, the multisig has not been able to reimburse gas fees associated with deploying Juicebox contracts, or sending payouts/reserved tokens from JuiceboxDAO's project.

Gas fees can become expensive, but writing individual reimbursement proposals takes time and attention. By putting a reasonable reimbursement process in place, the DAO can give contributors more confidence when deploying contracts or sending out payouts and reserved tokens. These reimbursements should help to make DAO operations smoother.


  • This proposal gives power and responsibility to the multisig, which can go wrong.
  • Contract deployers might be less careful if they think that refunds are guaranteed.


Approve these reimbursements for 270 days from the time this proposal is approved on Snapshot.