
JBP-456: Reduce Recurring Payout to filipv




41,030 USD


Proposed Transactions

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Pay filipv $4,000 (after fees) per cycle for 10 cycles, and send him 10m JBX from the multisig.


I (filipv) have consistently delivered valuable work for JuiceboxDAO. This proposal would reduce my payout to account for the possibility of JuiceboxDAO paying me indirectly through other proposals and treasuries.

Work done for Bananapus, Revnet, and Emergency Developers objectives could be compensated separately and should not be considered when assessing this payout.

Planned Work

I will continue doing what I think would be the most meaningful to further the objectives laid out in the JuiceboxDAO Foundation, one thing at a time, until I run out of things to do. This is likely to change, but right now this will likely be:

  1. Finish language updates to v4 contracts. I am in the process of updating almost every variable name and comment in the protocol contracts. You can see the proposed changes here, and reviews in recent town halls. Once this is done, I plan on going through a similar process to update the NFT delegate and Bananapus contracts.
  2. Once the Bananapus contracts have been finalized, I plan to create a new frontend for them. The beta version was functional, but the contracts and the way we want to interact with them have changed enough to require a new frontend, incorporating learnings from the first one.
  3. Once v4 is wrapped up, I'll probably document it. I'll probably rewrite a good portion of the Juicebox Docs.
  4. Many things I'm sure will come up with Revnets.

I also want to make:

  • A system which uses AI to summarize Discord server activity to improve transparency into Juicebox ecosystem projects.
  • AI tools to make Juicebox easier to understand for new project creators (new versions of bannygpt and other tools like it).

I also plan to build several tools as part of the Emergency Developers Project:

  • Alerting for rapid balance changes in any terminals.
  • Alerting for rapid movements in price feeds.
  • Alerts for changes in Juicebox contract ownership.
  • Periodic fork/simulation testing of key functions (maybe pay, redeem, create project) for projects at random.
  • (Maybe) watch new blocks for "suspicious" interactions with Juicebox contracts (such as repeated internal transactions, unusual gas usage, lots of reverts).

To be clear, some of this work might be compensated separately. None of it has been so far, except for a one-time $5,000 payout from Bananapus for creating the beta frontend.

Recent work

Since my previous payout proposal, I've:

  1. Made new independent projects, and maintained and provisioned existing ones.
  • Created several tools to speed up other work, like human-readable-abis, which helps me while working with contracts and on frontends, and local-transact, which has helped out in situations where a frontend wasn't available to execute a transaction (this helped address the Artizen issue, for example).
  • Created tools to keep DAO members up to date. fwd-discord-threads forwards Discord threads from one channel to another
  • Maintained and updated juicebox-heartbeat as project metadata has changed. This powers the #💓|heartbeat and 🤖-juice-notifications channels in JuiceboxDAO and Peel's Discord servers.
  • Started a new version of juicy-reimburser which reads directly from an RPC instead of the subgraph. I've been using this to manage multisig reimbursements.
  • Maintained juicebox-tweeter, a Twitter feed which sends updates when new Juicebox projects are made. This is not currently in use.

Previous projects have continued to pay off – the town hall summaries I generate with greg, for example, are well-received.

  1. Fixing bugs and making improvements to and other projects throughout the ecosystem.
  • I made, an interactive Revnet simulator to help project creators envision how a Revnet could work for their project. I also wrote this Revnet explainer to introduce people to the concept.
  • I've fixed a number of bugs on You can see these on GitHub and in the #🐞|bugs channel in JuiceboxDAO's Discord server.
  • Added a legal notice/disclaimer shown to users before they connect their wallets to The content was drafted by me and reviewed by Robert Leonhard from Open Esquire. I've paid Rob out-of-pocket to review various JuiceboxDAO-related documents.
  • Various changes to help project creators work with Juicebox (like this PR in Pinnable) .
  • I made this yellow paper to introduce people to Revnets.
  • I wrote the README files for all of the Bananapus contracts. I plan to document them once they have been completed.
  • I maintain and improve from time to time. You can see my contributions on GitHub.
  1. Onboarding and helping project creators. Over the past 7 cycles, I've spent a great deal of time working with project creators on a variety of projects.
  • I've worked with Rene throughout the process of establishing the Juicebox Project Accelerator Match Fund and the Artizen Juicebox project. This has already been well worth the time, and I expect this partnership to pay off strongly in the long run. TJL has also helped throughout this process.
  • I've been speaking and working with projects in the Accelerator Fund. This is a good deal of work, but has led to the creation of several projects already (and more soon). There are 78 projects in this cohort, which means a lot of time emailing, calling, and explaining.
  • I've worked with various contributors to a project interested in funding the legal defense of Roman Storm through Juicebox. Although the project hasn't launched just yet, they are actively developing specialized features they'll need. I expect this to be fruitful. Matthew, Brileigh, and TJL have also helped throughout this process.
  • I helped projects like $Pepe sponsors Hibernian FC, Legends, and Dream DAO over Discord and Twitter once their projects had already been created.
  • I've spoken with many other project creators and community members along the way – I try to help out as many people as I can. You can see this in the #❓|support and #🚀|project-creators channels of the JuiceboxDAO Discord server.

Some projects did not work out though:

  • Bobo's Big Top DAO. I spent a lot of time helping this project, which failed to garner any support. Lesson learned.
  • The Will4US campaign, which was interested in funding a political campaign on Juicebox. This didn't pan out – the project was looking for a larger commitment of customized development which JuiceboxDAO and Peel weren't able to provide.
  • KennedyDAO, a project to partially fund Robert Kennedy Jr.'s presidential run on Juicebox (not directly associated with the Kennedy campaign). This project didn't have enough contributors willing and able to get it off the ground.

These cycles have seen mixed success. Part of this is up to chance, but I've also learned from the experience and will try to work with better projects moving forwards.

  1. Operations.
  • I queue, coordinate, and execute most multisig transactions.
  • I'm heavily involved with JuiceboxDAO governance. I wrote 16 out of the 33 proposals in the previous 7 cycles (48% of them) – of note were:
    • JBP-419: Reduce Multisig to 6/9: After several close calls, I proposed reducing the size of the multisig to ensure governance outcomes could be signed and executed on time.
    • JBP-434: Governance Process – Amendment 10: I drafted and proposed an amendment to the governance process which made it far easier for newcomers to read, and included "Abstain"/"Against" votes in the Snapshot quorum.
    • JBP-437: Fund RevNet Development: This proposal provided the initial funding for RevNet development.
    • JBP-438: Juicebox Project Accelerator Fund: Although it took another round of governance to get this proposal approved, this partnership with Artizen has led to 78 projects being brought into JuiceboxDAO's ecosystem. Not all of them have launched projects yet, but many of them are participating in the first Juicecrowd cohort.
  • I manage the DAO's software subscriptions – Figma, Notion, Google, and other things as they come up.
  • I manage and moderate the DAO's Discord server, and help out with Discord servers for project creators and projects within the ecosystem.
  • I'm involved with the implementation of most governance proposals.
  • I regularly clean up roles, permissions, and content across Discord, GitHub, Figma, and other services. This keeps things up-to-date and saves the DAO money.
  1. Security. I have been on-hand to respond to and mitigate issues as they've come up. I've also handled comms and post-mortems, some of which you can read here: 1 2. You can also see several bug-fixes I've contributed to in the 🐞|bugs channel.

  2. Miscellaneous. I do many other things which haven't been included in this proposal. I also made a YouTube guide for the Juicebox Project Accelerator Fund entrants, contributed code and ideas to various projects (you can see some on GitHub), and do my best to learn new and relevant things over time. I am now moderately proficient in Go and I study machine learning every day.

