Payout recipient:
Proposal date:
Provide a comprehensive, 1-2 sentence summary of your proposal.
I am proposing that I enter a Trial Period as a Frontend Engineer working on the Juicebox Interface. I propose that the Trial Period last one funding cycle (FC#12) and that I get paid $2000 USD in ETH.
What gaps do you see in the DAO's process, and how might you help to fill them?
First and foremost, I can add value in engineering. I have already made meaningful contributions to Juicebox, including:
- Adding support for internationlization to the Juicebox UI (1).
- Fixing multiple non-trivial bugs (1, 2).
- Implementing various UI features/improvements (1, 2).
The frontend workload is only going to increase, and it could be argued that it has already outsized the capacity of the current team. From my perspective, with the V2 migration looming, along with the many other future projects (for example, React component/hooks library), the frontend team needs all the help it can get.
I also have an interest in technical writing (and writing in general):
- I also wrote a blog post for the Juicebox blog:
- I overhauled the juicebox-interface contribution guide (1, 2).
As more folks look to contribute to Juicebox, we will need world-class documentation and dev onboarding guides, processes and tooling. These are all things I'm interested in establishing and helping mature.
What might a starter project be for you?
- Adding AMM price of tokens
- Available to help in implementing UI/UX improvements as needed.
- Continue helping create the foundations for a better Juicebox developer experience, including:
- Continue liaising with Untitled to improve the translator→frontend handover
Payout Amount:
$2000USD in ETH.