
JBP-489: Fund Juicehammer, Juicearizer, and Multisig ops




4,926 USD


Proposed Transactions

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Fund 3 projects (dollar amounts after fees):

Multisig Ops

Send filipv.eth $800 per cycle for 6 cycles to continue managing multisig queuing, reimbursements, software subscriptions, and bookkeeping.

If we're able to fully automate these tasks before those 6 cycles are up, we should submit another proposal to stop these payments.


Send filipv.eth $5,000 and 0.5m JBX upon the delivery of 3 upgrades to juicehammer. Juicehammer prevents spam, scams, and impersonation in the JuiceboxDAO Discord server. It currently uses fuzzy text matching to mute users with suspicious names, and perceptual hashing of profile pictures to block users which impersonate contributors. This payout should be sent upon the delivery of:

  1. Muting users which spam across many channels.
  2. Content-based spam prevention with simple text heuristics.
  3. Content-based spam prevention with a neural network spam classifier. I'll continue to collect data and upgrade this over time.

I'm confident we can get to >90% spam prevention with these upgrades.


Send filipv.eth $5,000 and 2m JBX upon the delivery of a Discord bot which lets anyone summarize town halls (or any other meetings) without my help. Recordings, transcriptions, and summaries will automatically be uploaded to a GitHub repository using git LFS. This will replace the JuiceboxDAO Notion, allowing us to close it down and stop paying for that subscription.

