
JBP-490: Juicebox Project Accelerator Fund for Season 4 of Artizen




20,000 USD


Proposed Transactions

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Following the resounding success of Season 3, the collaboration between Juicebox and Artizen continues with Season 4 of the Juicebox Project Accelerator Fund. Building on the momentum, both Juicebox and Artizen will each contribute $20,000, creating a $40,000 Match Fund aimed at fostering innovative, community-driven projects from top creators. The previous season attracted 21 amazing projects qualified for the fund and raised an impressive total of Ξ62.69 ($199,083), demonstrating the vibrant potential of this initiative.


Artizen, a match funding platform for breakthroughs in human creativity, has been instrumental in distributing nearly $2 million to more than 1,000 projects, featuring talents like Jessica Chastain and Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood. Our past collaboration with Juicebox for Season 3 of the Accelerator Fund successfully leveraged a Ξ6 contribution to raise Ξ62.69, of which Ξ13.81 flowed through the Juicebox platform. A renewed Juicebox x Artizen Match Fund for Season 4 anticipates not just sustaining but doubling the number of submissions and funding, driven by our niche community of creators eager to participate and win part of the $40,000 match fund.

How Artizen works:

  • Creators submit their projects.
  • The community votes on these submissions.
  • The most voted projects are shortlisted.
  • These projects then sell artifacts (NFTs) to raise funds.
  • The match fund is distributed proportionally based on the number of artifacts sold.

What’s in it for Juicebox?

Season 3 was a big success, with approximately 350 submissions and nearly $200,000 awarded to qualifying projects. For Season 4, Artizen anticipates doubling these key metrics. The expected outcomes include:

  • At least 50 high-quality projects launching on Juicebox.
  • Enhanced access to a community of over 20,000 creators who will launch on Juicebox for transparent fund management.

To qualify for funding, projects must:

  • Launch on Juicebox for transparent fund management.
  • Adopt a community-centric, token-based or NFT approach via Juicebox.
  • Propose innovative, transformative ideas in any creative field.

Selected projects get financial support, technical advice, and access to Juicebox's broad network of creators.

Rough timeline:

  • April 2024: launch season 4 of the Juicebox Project Accelerator Fund.
  • May 2024 - June 2024: Open call for project submissions. Both Artizen and Juicebox communities review and vote on submissions during this period.
  • July 2024 - August 2024: Selected projects compete for match funding and cash prizes by selling cultural Artifacts as open edition NFTs.


  • Send $20,000 (~6 ETH) from the JuiceboxDAO multisig to the Artizen Juicebox project
  • Artizen will match an additional $20,000 (~6 ETH) into the Artizen Juicebox project
  • All funds will be paid from Artizen Juicebox project, into individual creator Juicebox projects

Further Reading

  1. For a general overview, see Partner with Artizen.
  2. For partnership specifics, see Artizen's Pitch Deck.

