Who: nati.eth
Proposal date:
What's this payout for?
Continuing to build on DAO relations. I have been in touch with a few DAOs on converting their treasury to Juicebox. To name a few: NeptuneDAO, squiggleDAO, BeetsDAO, WhiteboardCrypto. Updates to come in town hall. For this next funding cycle, I want to approach the role differently. Instead of looking to convert established projects over to JBX, I am going to find DAOs that are recently formed and do not have most mechanisms set up, such as a treasury system.
Note: I took a 2 weeks off for health reasons, which is why I'm suggesting scaling back my pay as I re-ramp into the role again. I plan on re-investing all of it as JBX tokens
$500USD for FC 6
Once you feel like your answer is clear, post a link to the proposal in the JuiceboxDAO discord in the #proposals channel.
The decision to schedule the one-time payout will be made through a Snapshot vote between all JBX holders.