
JBP-73: Add gulan to trial period payout






Prospective paid contributors to Juicebox DAO are encouraged to propose a trial period of one or more cycles to check compatibility. Trial payouts typically range from $300-600 per cycle.



Proposal date:

Jan 2, 2022


to provide an Incentive of $1000 per cycle to gulan to formally participate in the DAO in the areas of accounting and governance.


There is not any forseeable risks to the DAO that would otherwise be non-nominal. The recipient holds the payout address and is cognizant of personal security risks.

Payout recipient:

gulan eth account: 0xF8284136B169213E4c50cE09f3E1D9A9b484BAea

Payout amount:

Add gulan as trial payment for retroactive FC#13 and FC#14 to be paid on FC#14 FC#13 1000

FC#14 1000

Total for FC#14 2000.

How have you already contributed to the DAO?

For the past 3 cycles I have created 1 off speadsheets, importing the data directly from snapshot, interpreting that data, and then producing a report that jango has used to configure the payouts. I have done this task manually to learn the current process and needs of the DAO, but it definitely needs to be a repeatable, single source of truth dashboard.. There are definitely holes, primarily in refunds and multisig direct payouts. On the refund front, although my report has identified the amount that needs to be refunded, there is not currently an SOP for this disbursement and confirmation/audit. For multisig direct payouts, there was a case in FC#12 where a proposal was approved to pay a vendor for a security audit. Currently that money is authorized, but again there is no SOP or controls to facilitate these instances.

How do you want to contribute to the DAO going forward**?**

  • Merging notion data and snapshot data on a scheduled basis and producing automated reporting. This will require some changes to the current notion proposal fields.
  • Refund dashboard & SOP, including multisig auth's and jbx distro. The next iteration here will include bringing refunds for services that the dao uses (hosting etc.)
  • One time payments SOP, this probably includes changes to notion as well.
  • I would love to create an chat bot on discord to automatically send individual reports and notifications. Such as hey, you were just sent x for y.

In other fields, I have a background in governance, particularly in parliamentary procedure. I am also very familiar with 'customer facing' tools, such as crms, csm ticketing systems, chatbots etc. I have not made any suggestions on this front yet.