After a trial period of 1-3 cycles, contributors are encouraged to propose a recurring role for themselves. Recurring payouts should be renewed/updated every 90 days.
Proposal date:
Engage inceptor as a contributor to frontend and visibility materials.
If I fail to do my responsibilities.
Payout recipient:
Payout recipient's name and address.
Payout amount
1650 usd
How have you contributed to the DAO?
Set up design workflow system
- Template creation for design centric tasks 50% @Anonymous 50%@Zhou Jason
- Built the ‘how to contribute to Design & Product’ page for frontend link
- Built the ‘Design Inspiration’ page for frontend link
- Set up site accessibility section to consolidate efforts on this front
Transfer Juicebox website into Figma
- built out homepage desktop and mobile in dark and light theme (4 states) @Anonymous
- design your project sections desktop and mobile in dark and light theme (12 states) @Anonymous
- project details page desktop and mobile in dark and light theme (4 states) @Anonymous
- view all projects page desktop and mobile in dark and light theme (2 states) @Anonymous
Component library
- Converted into reusable figma components @Zhou Jason @Anonymous
- worked in tandem with jason with me sizing everything and transferring component design through site inspection and Jason converting everything to be reusable component states. Components I helped with: Buttons, select, tabs, accordian, project card, activity list, chart, currency input, modal, list, side panel, icons.
Help finalize UI for:
AMM page: design iterations+feedback alongside @aeolian
Nav bar implementation
Copy rework of ‘Design your project section’ link
- lead several workshops breaking apart pre-existing copy
- completed 4 rounds of copy iterations based on community feedback
- currently solving implementation into site
Podcast naming: Juicecast
How do you want to contribute to the DAO going forward**?**
Your answer here. Be specific—include potential projects and tasks.
Continue contributing to the frontend through design iteration, visual design related materials, and Juicebox activations.
- review and finalize figma file with @Zhou Jason
- further setup the feedback form questions for feedback on design your project section.
- WIP (ongoing): Copy rework being implemented into site
- “Design your project” project creation section: in progress
- Complete feedback form including more nuanced questions directed to those who set up projects
- Continue with UI design contributions/tasks
- activations: activations are used as a way to increase awareness of Juicebox as well as develop culture around it. Examples of these could include IRL+metaverse events, meet-ups, dao-to-dao initiatives, etc.
What does success look like for someone taking on your role?
- Ease of workflow and communication between frontend team members.
- Continuing to build out/update our public design file system so that future visual designers can contribute with ease.
- Continued design iterations of UI based on user feedback
Under what criteria should the community reassess this payout?
If I am slipping in my responsibilities.
Community members who agree to act as spokespeople for this proposal can add themselves here.
Note: recurring payout recipients are required to participate in votes for future payout allocations. For payouts to non-EOAs, attach an address that will manage voting on the non-EOA address's behalf.