Prospective paid contributors to Juicebox DAO are encouraged to propose a trial period of one or more cycles to check compatibility. Trial payouts typically range from $300-600 per cycle.
Proposal date:
Provide a comprehensive 1-2 sentence summary of your proposal.
I am proposing that I enter a Trial Period as a product designer/researcher working on the Juicebox. I’d start with $1,600 in ETH for upcoming FC
List any potential risks for Juicebox DAO and its members.
Jason take the money & ran away, or don’t do any work. (which i don’t think will happen)
Payout recipient:
Payout recipient's name and address.
Payout amount:
Must be in USD. For multi-cycle payouts, include payout information for each cycle.
$1,600 USD in ETH
How have you already contributed to the DAO?
Your answer here. Be specific—include projects and tasks.
Set up design workflow system
- Categorise tasks that need design for short term design roadmap
- Notion template for future design related task with @Anonymous [1]
- New labelling system in github to identify tasks that need design with @aeolian
- Set up automation for github with @peri [2]
- Set up new data table to track design and frontend tasks with @Anonymous [3]
Component library
- Transferred all component UI from site to figma: @Anonymous
- Convert design into reusable figma components @Zhou Jason [4]
- Buttons, Select, Tabs, Nav bar, Accordian, Project card, Activity list, Chart, Currency input, tooltip, modal, list, side panel, slider, date picker, switch, icons
Transfer Juicebox website into Figma (Responsive for Dark/light) [5]
- homepage desktop @Anonymous
- design your project sections @Anonymous @Zhou Jason
- project details page @Anonymous
- view all projects page @Anonymous
- Nav bar implementation
- Proposed design iterations
Help finalize UI for projects below:
- AMM pricing:
- Proposed design iterations [6]
- Language selector UI
- Proposed design iterations [7]
- Give feedback button [8]
- Initiated the idea @Zhou Jason
- Setup the juicebox feedback form @Zhou Jason @Anonymous [9]
- Designed the feedback UI pattern @Zhou Jason
How do you want to contribute to the DAO going forward**?**
Your answer here. Be specific—include potential projects and tasks.
- Research, source feedback & help define future roadmap: I’m really passionate about customer research, and use research insights to uncover key opportunity area for juicebox product. I’m keen to start talking to DAO & communities to flesh out more future roadmap items
- Product & UX design: Provide design for upcoming features & improvements to make sure frontend development process is smooth from design & spec point of view
- Set up design process for new designers: to make it easier for new designers join & contribute later if we have more
- Even a little bit product management if needed.. I have a bit experience on this
- Help communicate with Chinese community if I can speak Chinese
Community members who agree to act as spokespeople for this proposal can add themselves here.
[1] Untitled
[2] Video:
[3] Untitled
[4] Untitled
[5] Untitled
[6] Untitled
[7] Untitled
[8] Untitled