A current member on the multi-sig can propose to expand its ownership.
Proposal date:
Remove @Exekias from the Juicebox multisig.
The fewer members there are on the Juicebox multsig, the more Juicebox exposes itself to a single point of failure. If no members are left, JBX will be indefinitely locked..
Multi-sig candidate**:**
Why should this candidate be removed from the multi-sig?
I do not feel comfortable with the current legal implications of being on the Juicebox multisig, and I have executed very few (1) transactions since being put on. I plan to take a break from Juicebox contributions while I tend to other things (payout proposal forthcoming and will be separate), and I do not wish to take on these risks as an indefinitely inactive member of the team.
What ensures the candidate will uphold the views and values of Juicebox DAO and its community?
By following the standard governance process.
Community members who agree to act as spokespeople for this proposal can add themselves here.
Note: Although the proposal is only voted on by multi-sig members, the proposal will be terminated if it does not pass the temperature check.