MoonDAO is electing the second leader of the Executive Branch, also known as the "Astronaut" role in our Constitution, defined in section 2.3.1: "Astronauts are trusted members of the DAO that have the responsibility to represent MoonDAO’s mission and values externally and provide leadership to the DAO internally."
As of MDP-147, the election will be done with Ranked Choice Voting. Please rank your candidates in order of preference.
(For clarity: 1 = first choice, 2 = second choice, 3 = third choice).
Please use the election channel to discuss any questions about the candidates and get to know their platforms better. If you missed the last townhall, you can watch that here, where each of the candidates answered questions from the community.
As a reminder, the Astronauts have the following rights within the MoonDAO community:
- All Astronauts unanimously have the right to propose the appointment or removal of Treasury Signers. Appointment or removal must be ratified by the Senate and Member House with a super majority vote with a voting period of five days, and approval of 5/7 of the treasury signers.
- All Astronauts unanimously have the right to propose the removal of any member of the Senate for breaking the Code of Conduct, by providing evidence of a reason for removal to the Senate transparently. This can be appealed and voted on for re-entry by a random drawing of seven MoonDAO Senate members.
- All Astronauts unanimously have the right to jointly propose the termination of MoonDAO projects.
- Right to appoint or remove MoonDAO moderators on official channels of communication.
- Right to individually propose a salary approved by the Senate and DAO members.
- Right to one vote in the Senate during the season(s) they are active.
Relevant Links:
MoonDAO Constitution:
Townhall with Q&A For Candidates:
Election Channel in Discord:
Good luck to the three candidates!