
MDP-151: MoonDAO Analytics & Final Report Metrics




Proposed Transactions

// Unrecognized action, pls check

{"type":"Request Budget","payload":{"projectTeam":[{"discordUserId":"760130086048366663","discordUsername":"name.get","payoutAddress":"0x80581C6e88Ce00095F85cdf24bB760f16d6eC0D6","votingAddress":"0x80581C6e88Ce00095F85cdf24bB760f16d6eC0D6","isRocketeer":true},{"discordUserId":"907370567374622740","discordUsername":"J_mon","payoutAddress":"0xfa01ABcb524C3B3aB521878e76847Fd0Cca30133","votingAddress":"0xA188Be11444993FD8d1D54D944ADcc4F35D1c815","isRocketeer":false}],"multisigTeam":[{"discordUserId":"760130086048366663","discordUsername":"name.get","address":"0x80581C6e88Ce00095F85cdf24bB760f16d6eC0D6"},{"discordUserId":"494739213137346561","discordUsername":"pmoncada","address":"0x679d87D8640e66778c3419D164998E720D7495f6"},{"discordUserId":"842541430186573894","discordUsername":"ryand2d","address":"0xB2d3900807094D4Fe47405871B0C8AdB58E10D42"},{"discordUserId":"926244811177066558","discordUsername":"Mitchie","address":"0xb1d4c1B9c8DA3191Fdb515Fa7AdeC3D41D014F4f"},{"discordUserId":"907370567374622740","discordUsername":"J_mon","address":"0xfa01ABcb524C3B3aB521878e76847Fd0Cca30133"}],"budget":[{"token":"0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F","amount":"500","justification":"Flex (overflow will be distributed via coordinape)"}]}}


Enhance the analytics page by incorporating key metrics and insights extracted from the final reports and subgraphs. Ensure that the data is visually engaging, easy to interpret, and provides actionable insights. Include summary statistics, trend analysis, and performance indicators to give users a comprehensive overview of the key metrics that matter most.


The analytics page could use more metrics from on-chain analytics and final reports.


Build on top of the existing analytics page, add metrics, including key figures from quarterly final reports, and revive governance power tracking dashboard.

  1. Total Voting Power across all chains (Ethereum, Polygon and Arbitrum)
  2. Governance power over time (chart)
  3. Current projects & funding
  4. Treasury assets (updated weekly)


By adding metrics to the analytics page MoonDAO will be more transparent and it will provide users with a better idea of the current state of the DAO.


Certain metrics may be difficult to fetch and may require additional time.


Objective #1: Total Voting Power across all chains Key Results for Objective #1:

  • On the analytics page (, next to "Voting Power Key Figures", there will be a multi-button select option that allows the user to select which chain to view "Voting Power Key Figures" for. The choices will be, "All chains", "Ethereum", "Polygon", and "Arbitrum". "All chains" will be selected by default. The figures will update automatically when a different chain is selected.

Member(s) responsible for OKR and their role:

  • All

Objective #2: Governance Power Over Time Key Results for Objective #1:

  • The currently deprecated dashboard located at will be revived (or recreated if not possible to revive), including a link to the repo so others can contribute and help maintain it. Graphs tracking Mooney over time will be added if possible. A link to the dashboard will be added to the analytics page.

Member(s) responsible for OKR and their role:

  • All

Objective #3: Current Projects & Funding Add a section to the analytics page, called "Current Projects and Funding". It could also receive its own page, linked underneath "Analytics" in the sidebar. Show a table listing active projects for the current quarter and the funding they've received. Link to the proposals. Any other desired metrics can also be included.

Member(s) responsible for OKR and their role:

  • All

Objective #4: Treasury Assets Updated weekly Key Results for Objective #4:

  • Treasury figures on the analytics page will be updated weekly and will list a "last updated" date which will always be within 1 week of the current date.

Member(s) responsible for OKR and their role:

  • All

Objective #5: Final Report Metrics KeyResults for Objective #5:

  • Add a new section to the analytics page, titled "Q2 2024 Metrics", which will list desired metrics from the most recent quarterly report. The section will be updated with each new quarterly report. Exact figures to be shown TBD, but @ryand2d has suggested that "Citizen + Teams count" will "be our most important metric to track", and churn and renewal rates will also be valuable to have, if possible.
  • A memo on how to manually update the figures will be written and included.

Member(s) responsible for OKR and their role:

  • All
--- nance-actions
- type: Request Budget
      - discordUserId: "760130086048366663"
        discordUsername: name.get
        payoutAddress: "0x80581C6e88Ce00095F85cdf24bB760f16d6eC0D6"
        votingAddress: "0x80581C6e88Ce00095F85cdf24bB760f16d6eC0D6"
        isRocketeer: true
      - discordUserId: "907370567374622740"
        discordUsername: J_mon
        payoutAddress: "0xfa01ABcb524C3B3aB521878e76847Fd0Cca30133"
        votingAddress: "0xA188Be11444993FD8d1D54D944ADcc4F35D1c815"
        isRocketeer: false
      - discordUserId: "760130086048366663"
        discordUsername: name.get
        address: "0x80581C6e88Ce00095F85cdf24bB760f16d6eC0D6"
      - discordUserId: "494739213137346561"
        discordUsername: pmoncada
        address: "0x679d87D8640e66778c3419D164998E720D7495f6"
      - discordUserId: "842541430186573894"
        discordUsername: ryand2d
        address: "0xB2d3900807094D4Fe47405871B0C8AdB58E10D42"
      - discordUserId: "926244811177066558"
        discordUsername: Mitchie
        address: "0xb1d4c1B9c8DA3191Fdb515Fa7AdeC3D41D014F4f"
      - discordUserId: "907370567374622740"
        discordUsername: J_mon
        address: "0xfa01ABcb524C3B3aB521878e76847Fd0Cca30133"
      - token: "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F"
        amount: "500"
        justification: Flex (overflow will be distributed via coordinape)

