
MDP-53: Phase Two Rewards (Proposal 1 of 3)




This is a retroactive reward proposal for the MoonDAO contributors from the period of January 17th to October 1st.

This proposal is broken up into three snapshots:

#1. A vote on the proportion they believe each project should get at MoonDAO. #2. A vote on the total amount of MOONEY they believe should be awarded in total to the contributors for their efforts over the span of the year. #3. A vote on the amount of DAI that should be awarded in total to the contributors for their efforts over the span of the year.

We have conducted the coordinape with each of the teams internally, and the final amounts going to each contributor will be published to the community. This information can be found here:, and the original Phase 2 spreadsheet to collect contributions and eligibility for projects can be found here:

Proposal 1 of 3: Proportion of Phase 2 Rewards for each Project.

Please vote on the proportion of rewards you think should be distributed to each project. You may distribute your voting power between each of the projects. The Rocketeers have done an internal vote for what they think is fair between each of the options. This is provided in case you have low context about each of the projects and can be chosen as a “default”

ProjectDescriptionRocketeer Avg %
Ticket To Space NFTSelect our MoonDAO Astronaut via a free NFT18.58
Blue Origin Purchase and PartnershipNegotiation and relationship management with Blue Origin17.63
Website DevelopmentDevelopment and maintenance of our web presence9.70
Legal OperationsIncorporation, sweepstakes, securities, BO legal interfacing7.78
ConstitutionFirst draft of Constitution7.97
Chinese MarketingCommunicating MoonDAO to CN Audiences9.29
English MarketingCommunicating MoonDAO to EN Audiences5.40
Governance OperationsSetting up infrastructure for bottom up governance4.54
Project OperationsProject system for autonomous teams to work3.39
Discord OperationsPermissions, setup and daily maintenance, bot integrations3.26
Twitter ManagementTwitter is our primary method of publishing and marketing2.49
Incentive Structures and ManagementSystem for Phase 1 & 2 payments, managing Utopia1.86
Chinese Community OperationsManaging CN socials, translating proposals, CN AMAs4.68
Hayrul NFT ProjectMusic NFT for Hayrul's "To the moon" song0.91
OnboardingOnboarding and orienting new members0.74
Token ListingListing MOONEY on CEX + DEX1.30
Writing ProjectArticles about MoonDAO published on Mirror0.46

If you agree with the default distribution you may allocate all your voting power onto the Default option. Otherwise, you may manually enter the proportions you think are fair.

If you’d like to manually enter your proportions, you may take the total amount of voting power you have, and distribute the proportion that should go to each project. (e.g. 20% of your voting power onto the Ticket To Space NFT project, means you are allocating 20% of the total rewards to that project).

We will then take the average of what everyone voted to calculate the final amounts that will go to each project.

