This is a retroactive reward proposal for the MoonDAO contributors from the period of January 17th 2022 to October 1st 2022.
This proposal is broken up into three snapshots:
#1. A vote on the proportion they believe each project should get at MoonDAO. #2. A vote on the total amount of MOONEY they believe should be awarded in total to the contributors for their efforts over the span of the year. #3. A vote on the amount of DAI that should be awarded in total to the contributors for their efforts over the span of the year.
We have conducted the coordinape with each of the teams internally, and the final amounts going to each contributor will be published to the community. This information can be found here:, and the original Phase 2 spreadsheet to collect contributions and eligibility for projects can be found here:
Proposal 2 of 3: Total amount of MOONEY Rewards allocated for Phase 2 Contributors
This vote will determine the total amount of MOONEY rewards from the treasury that will be allocated for distribution to Contributors over the period of a year. The DAO will vote on the proportion of MOONEY allocated for Phase 2 from the treasury as outlined below:
Total MOONEY Distributed = TotalMOONEYInTreasury * (Proportion of MOONEY allocated for Phase 2)
Where TotalMOONEYInTreasury = 1,198,465,829 MOONEY
The proportion of MOONEY sent to each contributor from the total will be determined as follows (pseudocode):
contributorProportion = 0 for each MoonDAO Project: ----- contributorProportion += (% allocated to project) * (% of GIVE received within the project)
Total MOONEY for contributor = Total MOONEY Distributed * contributorProportion
Where: % allocated to each project is determined in vote (1/3) % of GIVE received within the project is determined on Coordinape (linked above)
Similar to Phase 1 payments, this amount will be streamed to each MoonDAO member over the period of a year, as long as they are still engaged within the DAO. Engagement is defined by contributing to a MoonDAO project as a Moonsettler or Rocketeer (see more in the Project system:
Therefore, it is unlikely that the full amount allocated will actually be distributed, since members may become inactive over the next year.
The rocketeers have each determined a proportion that they feel is correct to distribute to the Phase 2 Contributors, this averaged out to 20% of the Total MOONEY in the treasury. This is offered as a default option for members to choose, although they may manually decide what they think is fair.
Voting Options
You may choose the default option if you agree with the Rocketeers, otherwise you may spread your voting power out over each of the available options to determine a percentage that you think is fair. For example, if spreading tokens evenly between 20% and 30% that would equate to a vote for 25%.