Discourse: https://forum.moondao.com/t/mdp-pending-space-postcards-project/96 中文 Translation: TBA
Preface For the Chinese Community’s proposal workflow, we plan to take Space Postcards proposal as a example.
Workflow as follows:
Collect important proposal to the Proposal Group. (If there are Chinese members proposal it on Discord we won’t collect that) Have discussion in proposal group. Aggregate suggestions and finish the proposal draft. Translate and check the final edition of proposal draft. We adopt the practice of unified release of our final edition by core contributor from Chinese community @Richard, to increasing efficiency.
Profile We want to develop a website called “Space Postcards” with a simple purpose:
1 - Allowing everyone to upload pictures, text, etc. that are meaningful to them, 2 - Allowing everyone to thumb up and vote for their favorite contents, 3 - Sending them to the moon.
Imagine how cool it would be if you were a basketball fan and you could send a classic Michael Jordan scene to the moon and it might get a thumbs up from Jordan himself! If you are a science fan, you can send “E=MC²” to the moon, which is a very meaningful thing!
In the future, we will establish the website to be a Web 3 platform or space enthusiast forum with space knowledge popularization, tips, etc.
Vision By establishing this website, I am proposing to achieve following effects(if everything goes well):
1 - To spread MoonDAO project well-known all over the world. Like mentioned examples of basketball and science. Imagine what a huge global hype we will create if different people from various fields want their works showing up to the moon and they will canvass everywhere, which is a good publicity for us! At that time, people might not have ever heard about Bitcoin, they will definitely know about MoonDAO! The more people know about us, the more successful we will achieve!
(This holder restriction is because we need want celebrities hold our token to enhance our exposure. Maybe Jaychou’s fans vote for Jaychou and then Jaychou will be picked.)
2 - These following planned features can strongly enhance the Moondao community consensus and increase the practical application of our governance token $mooney. (1) If the chosen content owner was a long term holder or pledger of $mooney, we can mint NFT of his work as a reward. (2) Increasing vote ratio of $mooney holders in order to booting the sense of mission of every member and attracting more people with space dream to join us! (3) If want the celebrities hold the token to make some news, we can lower threshold, no need let them hold for a long term or lock up. Such as the TOP10 finalists could just have bought token but they can sell it whenever they want, TOP 10-20 need to hold token for some time.
Basic Function 1 - Login ( Supporting web3 wallet, email, username, twitter, google etc) 2 - Content Upload. (To ensure quality, the limit of upload number is one for every account) 3 - Research & Review 4 - Detail Reviewing 5 - Vote & Like 6 - Comment
Concept map (see Discourse for image)
1 - Jan-Feb 2022 : Version 1.0 with basic functions launched. 2 - Apr-Launching to the moon 2022: High quality content selection and Version 2.0 development. 3 - Landing on the Moon! 4 - After moon landing: Continuous marketing to enhance our IP. Make this website a web3 space theme platform or space enthusiast forum.
Cautions In order to avoid unnecessary arguments, any contents related to pornography, violence, religion, politics, etc will be rejected.
Development Team Since the main core team needs to focus on the development of “Ticket to Space" project”, as our main task, also considering the differences of time zone and work habits between Chinese and foreign teams, I recommended that the Chinese community development team undertakes the initial development of this project. After the main core team’s key work completion, we will develop together.
A vote for "Yes" means that the DAO can use its resources to support this mission! A vote for "No" means that the DAO will not support this project.