Reduce the number of votes needed to pass any Thirsty Thirsty proposal from 10 votes, to 8 votes.
Our community is getting the hang of governance and it can be a bit intimidating. Numbers have consistently fluctuated between 9 votes and 11 votes for proposals thus far.
It is challenging to have operational movement blocked by proposals not passing. Summer is also particularly slow as folks are more offline, and rightfully so!
A transaction will be put into the multisig to reduce the threshold to 8 from 10. It will then be approved by a second multisig holder.
We want to be able to pass things by the folks that are consistently still present. We are a small group that fluctuates depending on how much we are activating. The threshold can always be brought back up when more folks are more involved.
We may move too fast. Lowering the threshold means we need fewer people to make big decisions about the treasury.
Within the week following proposal approval by official voting.